Resuelvo problemas matemáticos, partiendo de nuestro contexto
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El trabajo de investigación tiene como título “Resuelvo problemas matemáticos, partiendo de nuestro contexto”, el cual fue realizado con los estudiantes del 5 año del nivel secundaria de la Institución Educativa “Abel Toro Contreras”, ubicado en el distrito de Pacanga de la UGEL de Chepén; lugar donde laboro. Se ejecutó en el área de Matemática con la competencia “Resuelven problemas de forma, movimiento y localización”, y se encuentra orientada a resaltar la dificultad de los estudiantes en el desarrollo de la competencia, observándose también la indiferencia frente al área y a la competencia en mención, lo cual dificulta el desarrollo del logro de sus aprendizajes. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo implementar y ejecutar una sesión de aprendizaje para la mejora del nivel de logro de la competencia; mientras que el sustento teórico se basa en la importancia del desarrollo de la competencia. El sustento pedagógico tiene su sustento en que los estudiantes construyan su propio aprendizaje de manera autónoma y puedan resolver los problemas de la competencia, teniendo a su docente como guía; lo cual les brinda las herramientas pertinentes y así lograr el propósito de la sesión planificada. En resumen, la implementación de la sesión de aprendizaje permite que los estudiantes desarrollen la competencia del área de matemática.
The research work is titled "I solve mathematical problems, starting from our context", which was carried out with the 5th year students of the secondary level of the Educational Institution "Abel Toro Contreras", located in the Pacanga district of the UGEL. from Chepén; place where I work. It was carried out in the area of Mathematics with the competition "Solve problems of shape, movement and location", and is aimed at highlighting the difficulty of students in developing the competence, also observing indifference towards the area and the competence in mention, which hinders the development of the achievement of their learning. The objective of this research is to implement and execute a learning session to improve the level of achievement of the competence; while the theoretical support is based on the importance of the development of competence. Pedagogical support is based on students constructing their own learning autonomously and being able to solve competition problems, having their teacher as a guide; which provides them with the relevant tools to achieve the purpose of the planned session. In summary, the implementation of the learning session allows students to develop competence in the area of mathematics.
The research work is titled "I solve mathematical problems, starting from our context", which was carried out with the 5th year students of the secondary level of the Educational Institution "Abel Toro Contreras", located in the Pacanga district of the UGEL. from Chepén; place where I work. It was carried out in the area of Mathematics with the competition "Solve problems of shape, movement and location", and is aimed at highlighting the difficulty of students in developing the competence, also observing indifference towards the area and the competence in mention, which hinders the development of the achievement of their learning. The objective of this research is to implement and execute a learning session to improve the level of achievement of the competence; while the theoretical support is based on the importance of the development of competence. Pedagogical support is based on students constructing their own learning autonomously and being able to solve competition problems, having their teacher as a guide; which provides them with the relevant tools to achieve the purpose of the planned session. In summary, the implementation of the learning session allows students to develop competence in the area of mathematics.
Educación, Matemáticas, Resolución de problemas