Variación de la demanda social y mercado ocupacional de la carrera profesional de Estomatología en la Región La Libertad, periodo 2014 - 2017

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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Objetivo: Determinar la variación de la demanda social y del mercado ocupacional de la Carrera Profesional de Estomatología en la Región La Libertad, en el periodo 2014– 2017. Material y Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, de corte transversal, descriptivo y observacional, cuya población en estudio estuvo conformada por el número de postulantes, ingresantes y titulados de las Universidades que cuentan con la Carrera Profesional de Estomatología en la Región La Libertad; también por el número de plazas de trabajo disponible en las Instituciones del sector estatal; asimismo se tomó como población a los titulados en Estomatología de la UNT inscritos en el Colegio Odontológico de La Libertad en el periodo 2014 - 2017. Los datos consignados en las fichas de recolección de datos fueron procesados siguiendo un patrón de tabulación automatizada con el auxilio del paquete estadístico SPSS-20.0 y luego presentados los resultados en cuadros estadísticos de entrada doble ocupacional, siendo aún insuficiente para cubrir las necesidades laborales del cirujano dentista.
Objective: To determine the variation of the market and social demand Occupational Career of Dentistry in La Libertad region, in the period 2014-2017. Material and Methods: A retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study whose population consisted of the number of applicants, entrants and graduates of universities that have dental Professional Race in La Libertad region, but also by the number of jobs available in the state sector institutions, also was taken as population graduates UNT Stomatology Dental enrolled in the College of La Libertad in the period 2014-2017. The data in the data collection sheets were processed following a pattern of automated tabulation with the help of SPSS-20.0 and then presented the results in dual input statistical tables according to the objectives, with absolute frequencies and / or relative. Results: Regarding social demand potential dental career, it was found that there has been a decrease in the number of applicants since 2014 until this year, having a higher percentage of applicants UNT, with 39 %. In respect of social demand satisfied, there was an decrease in the number of entrants, having a higher percentage of the ULADECH income, with 57 %. Regarding the supply occupational found that as many as presented entitled UPAO with 42.2%. Regarding occupational demand, there was an decrease in the number of places offered from 2014 until 2017, being offered the highest percentage recorded by the SERUMS, 90.6%. In developing graduates Occupational careers of Stomatology UNT found that: In practice found 97.1% of respondents, 42.7% worked as dependent workers, 39.7% worked as independent workers (private sector) and 17.6% as dependent and independent workers at a time, it was found that 54.3% if ever postulated and State sector entity which was postulated MINSA more, with 63.1% of the sample.
Desarrollo ocupacional|lMercado Ocupacional|lDemanda Social