Influencia del poliestireno expandido reciclado como sustituto del agregado grueso en las propiedades en estado fresco y endurecido de un concreto autocompactante, Trujillo 2023.
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
En la presente investigación desarrollada en la ciudad de Trujillo, se analizó la
influencia del poliestireno expandido reciclado (EPS, también conocido como
Tecnopor) como reemplazo parcial del agregado grueso del concreto autocompactante
sobre sus propiedades en estado fresco (capacidad de llenado, fluidez, capacidad de
paso y estabilidad) y sus propiedades en estado endurecido (propiedades mecánicas,
propiedades físicas y durabilidad). El poliestireno expandido es un material muy
voluminoso, el cual tiene una naturaleza no biodegradable, la cual afecta de manera
directa el medio ambiente; de tal forma que añadir este material como componente del
concreto es una gran alternativa que propone la disminución de la explotación de
materiales pétreos.
La investigación inició con la caracterización de los agregados según la
normativa ASTM, datos con los cuales se definió el diseño del concreto convencional
(f’c=280 kg/cm²) según el comité ACI 211, posteriormente se optimizó el diseño
mediante peso unitario del concreto fresco; para posteriormente realizar el ajuste del
aditivo Plastol 25 (1.50 %) con una reducción del 25 % de agua, quedando definido el
diseño de mezcla del concreto autocompactante a partir del cual se realizaron las
sustituciones EPS(%) en porcentajes del 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 % y 50 % respecto al
volumen. El desarrollo fue mediante de un diseño experimental unifactorial con
muestreo probabilístico de una población de 198 muestras (90 en estado fresco y 108 en
estado endurecido); para lo cual se emplearon guías de observación en la recolección de
los datos experimentales.
Se determinó que el porcentaje máximo de sustitución de poliestireno expandido
reciclado fue del 30 %, pues la capacidad de llenado mejoró en un 14 % respecto de la
muestra patrón; por otro lado, la fluidez evaluada mediante el tiempo de extensión de
flujo fue de 2.40 segundos, asimismo no se mostró bloqueo en la evaluación de la
capacidad de paso y tampoco segregación estática en la evaluación de la estabilidad. Por
su parte las propiedades en estado endurecido mostraron que la resistencia a la
compresión obtenida fue de 451 kg/cm², la absorción de agua del concreto fue de 5.46
%, con una densidad seca de 2.04 g/cm³ y un 11.10 % de volumen de vacíos; en cuanto
a la conductividad acústica, se muestra un incremento de 3.3 % con un valor de 41.88
dB y en cuanto a la durabilidad la cantidad de paso de carga fue moderada.
In this research carried out in the city of Trujillo, the influence of recycled expanded polystyrene (EPS, also known as Tecnopor) as a partial replacement of the coarse aggregate of self-compacting concrete on its properties in the fresh state (filling capacity, fluidity, flowability and stability) and its properties in the hardened state (mechanical properties, physical properties and durability) was analyzed. Expanded polystyrene is a very bulky material, which has a non-biodegradable nature, which directly affects the environment, so adding this material as a component of concrete is a great alternative that proposes a decrease in the exploitation of stone materials. The research began with the characterisation of the aggregates according to ASTM standards, data with which the design of the conventional concrete (f'c=280 kg/cm²) was defined according to the ACI 211 committee, subsequently the design was optimised by unit weight of the fresh concrete; to later adjust the Plastol 25 admixture (1. 50 %) with a reduction of 25 % of water, defining the mix design of the self- compacting concrete from which the EPS (%) substitutions were made in percentages of 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 % and 50 % with respect to the volume of the concrete. The development was based on a one-factorial experimental design with probabilistic sampling of a population of 198 samples (90 in the fresh state and 108 in the hardened state); for which observation guides were used to collect experimental data. It was determined that the maximum percentage of substitution of recycled expanded polystyrene was 30 %, since the filling capacity improved by 14 % with respect to the standard sample; on the other hand, the flowability evaluated by means of the flow extension time was 2.40 seconds, and there was no blockage in the evaluation of the flow capacity and no static segregation in the evaluation of the stability. The properties in the hardened state showed that the compressive strength obtained was 451 kg/cm², the water absorption of the concrete was 5.46 %, with a dry density of 2.04 g/cm³ and a void volume of 11.10 %; as for the acoustic conductivity, it showed an increase of 3.3 % with a value of 41.88 dB and as for the durability, the amount of load passage was moderate.
In this research carried out in the city of Trujillo, the influence of recycled expanded polystyrene (EPS, also known as Tecnopor) as a partial replacement of the coarse aggregate of self-compacting concrete on its properties in the fresh state (filling capacity, fluidity, flowability and stability) and its properties in the hardened state (mechanical properties, physical properties and durability) was analyzed. Expanded polystyrene is a very bulky material, which has a non-biodegradable nature, which directly affects the environment, so adding this material as a component of concrete is a great alternative that proposes a decrease in the exploitation of stone materials. The research began with the characterisation of the aggregates according to ASTM standards, data with which the design of the conventional concrete (f'c=280 kg/cm²) was defined according to the ACI 211 committee, subsequently the design was optimised by unit weight of the fresh concrete; to later adjust the Plastol 25 admixture (1. 50 %) with a reduction of 25 % of water, defining the mix design of the self- compacting concrete from which the EPS (%) substitutions were made in percentages of 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 % and 50 % with respect to the volume of the concrete. The development was based on a one-factorial experimental design with probabilistic sampling of a population of 198 samples (90 in the fresh state and 108 in the hardened state); for which observation guides were used to collect experimental data. It was determined that the maximum percentage of substitution of recycled expanded polystyrene was 30 %, since the filling capacity improved by 14 % with respect to the standard sample; on the other hand, the flowability evaluated by means of the flow extension time was 2.40 seconds, and there was no blockage in the evaluation of the flow capacity and no static segregation in the evaluation of the stability. The properties in the hardened state showed that the compressive strength obtained was 451 kg/cm², the water absorption of the concrete was 5.46 %, with a dry density of 2.04 g/cm³ and a void volume of 11.10 %; as for the acoustic conductivity, it showed an increase of 3.3 % with a value of 41.88 dB and as for the durability, the amount of load passage was moderate.
TECHNOLOGY::Civil engineering and architecture