Clima organizacional y satisfacción laboral en los docentes y administrativos del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Guadalupe - 2019
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre clima organizacional y satisfacción laboral en los docentes y administrativos del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Guadalupe en el año 2019. La población muestral estuvo conformada por 36 docentes y administrativos del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Guadalupe en el año 2019, a quienes se les aplicó dos cuestionarios, el del Clima Organizacional con un total de 41 ítems con valoraciones de: deficiente (41-95), regular (96 -150) y excelente (151 -205) y el cuestionario de Satisfacción Laboral, con un total de 16 preguntas con valoraciones de: mala (16 – 37), regular (38 – 59) y buena (60 - 80). Los resultados evidencian que las variables clima organizacional y la satisfacción laboral,tienen un coeficiente de correlación de Pearson de 0,976 y una significancia de 0.000, lo cual permite demostrar una correlación alta positiva y altamente significativa, comprobándose la hipótesis alterna de la investigación.
The present research work aimed to determine the relationship between the organizational climate and job satisfaction in the teachers and administrators of the Guadalupe Higher Institute of Technology in 2019. The sample population was made up of 36 teachers and administrators of the Guadalupe Higher Technological Institute in 2018, to whom two questionnaires were applied, the Organizational Climate with a total of 41 items with deficient (41-95), regular (96 -150) and excellent (151 -205) and the Job Satisfaction questionnaire, with a total of 16 questions whose evaluations are bad (16 - 37), fair (38 - 59) and good (60 - 80). The results show that the variables organizational climate and job satisfaction, a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.976 and a significance of 0.000, which allows to demonstrate a high positive and highly significant correlation, verifying the alternative hypothesis of the investigation.
The present research work aimed to determine the relationship between the organizational climate and job satisfaction in the teachers and administrators of the Guadalupe Higher Institute of Technology in 2019. The sample population was made up of 36 teachers and administrators of the Guadalupe Higher Technological Institute in 2018, to whom two questionnaires were applied, the Organizational Climate with a total of 41 items with deficient (41-95), regular (96 -150) and excellent (151 -205) and the Job Satisfaction questionnaire, with a total of 16 questions whose evaluations are bad (16 - 37), fair (38 - 59) and good (60 - 80). The results show that the variables organizational climate and job satisfaction, a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.976 and a significance of 0.000, which allows to demonstrate a high positive and highly significant correlation, verifying the alternative hypothesis of the investigation.
Educación, Tecnología educacional, Ambiente de trabajo, Satisfacción en el trabajo