Capacidad de predación de Euseius emanus y Euseius stipulatus sobre Oligonychus punicae en palto bajo condiciones de laboratorio en Virú, La Libertad
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
En las plantaciones de palto de la empresa Camposol S.A. ubicadas en el distrito de Virú, departamento de La Libertad; se reportó la presencia del ácaro predador Euseius emanus de forma nativa, alimentándose de diversos estados de desarrollo de Oligonychus punicae. La presente investigación tuvo por finalidad evaluar a nivel de laboratorio la capacidad predadora del ácaro nativo en comparación al ácaro Euseius stipulatus, predador introducido a Perú por el Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria “SENASA”, sobre huevos, larvas ,ninfas y adultos de O. punicae. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que el consumo promedio diario de huevos de O. punicae fue de 1.78 para E. emanus y 1.56 para E. stipulatus; el consumo de larvas y ninfas fue de 10.79 y 11.48; mientras que el consumo de adultos fue de 5.62 y 5.84 respectivamente. Se concluye que la capacidad de predación de E. emanus y E. stipulatus sobre los estados de larva y ninfa del ácaro presa O. punicae fue estadísticamente superior en comparación a la predación de huevos y adultos, sin existir diferencia significativa entre ambas especies respecto al número de larvas y ninfas consumidas por día; pudiendo emplearse a cualquiera de estos dos ácaros predadores como agentes de control biológico de O. punicae.
ABSTRACT In the avocado plantation of Camposol SA company located in the Viru district in La Libertad department; was report the presence of the predator mite Euseius emanus natively, feeding of different development stages of Oligonychus punicae. This research had as purpose evaluated to laboratory level, the predatory capacity of the native mite compared with the mite Euseius stipulatus, predator introduced to Peru by the National Service of Agrarian Health "SENASA" on eggs, larvae, nymphs and adults of O. punicae. The results showed that the average daily consumption of O. punicae eggs was 1.78 for E. emanus and 1.56 for E. stipulatus; the consumption of larvae and pupae was It follow that10.79 and 11.48; while the consumption of adults was 5.62 and 5.84 respectively. It follows that the capacity of predation of E. emanus and E. stipulatus on stages of larva and nymph of the prey mite O. punicae was statistically superior compared to the predation of eggs and adults, with no significant difference between the both species regarding the number of larvae and nymphs consumed per day; can be used to either of these two predatory mites as biological control agents of O. punicae.
ABSTRACT In the avocado plantation of Camposol SA company located in the Viru district in La Libertad department; was report the presence of the predator mite Euseius emanus natively, feeding of different development stages of Oligonychus punicae. This research had as purpose evaluated to laboratory level, the predatory capacity of the native mite compared with the mite Euseius stipulatus, predator introduced to Peru by the National Service of Agrarian Health "SENASA" on eggs, larvae, nymphs and adults of O. punicae. The results showed that the average daily consumption of O. punicae eggs was 1.78 for E. emanus and 1.56 for E. stipulatus; the consumption of larvae and pupae was It follow that10.79 and 11.48; while the consumption of adults was 5.62 and 5.84 respectively. It follows that the capacity of predation of E. emanus and E. stipulatus on stages of larva and nymph of the prey mite O. punicae was statistically superior compared to the predation of eggs and adults, with no significant difference between the both species regarding the number of larvae and nymphs consumed per day; can be used to either of these two predatory mites as biological control agents of O. punicae.
Acaro predador Euseius emanus, Oligonychus punicae, Control biológico