Compromiso organizacional y satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores en una empresa agroindustrial del distrito de Cayaltí, Provincia de Chiclayo, 2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente tesis se realizó con la finalidad de analizar la relación existe entre el compromiso organizacional y la satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores en una empresa agroindustrial del distrito de Cayaltí, Provincia de Chiclayo, 2023. Se consideró un tipo investigación en manera aplicada , como base se logró tener en un diseño tipo descriptivo, muestra constatada 183 trabajadores con quienes se potencio a trabajar aplicando en base a ciertos métodos y posibles técnicas en base investigación en manera cuantitativa: Método estadístico y por ende como diferida técnica utilizando encuesta, en cuanto investigación cualitativa : Método inductivo – deductivo; y se dio utilización en técnicas a dicha observación en manera directa y por ende entrevista. De los resultados que se lograron obtenerse se connota determinar dicha relación entre compromiso en manera afectiva y dicho compromiso en lo normativo acompañado de satisfacción en manera laboral de dichos trabajadores pertenecientes a una empresa agroindustrial del distrito de Cayaltí. Finalmente se logra recomendar el tender a aplicar en manera anual al tiempo que se logra considerar necesario para abordar la necesidad de dicha empresa, así como el prescribir estudios en base cuestionarios a manera que se busque la satisfacción y se genere una posible motivación para tender a la comparación si habido mejoras a través de esto lograremos el establecer estrategias necesarias que logren adaptarse a dicha problemática investigada.
This thesis was carried out with the purpose of analyzing the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction of workers in an agroindustrial company in the district of Cayaltí, Province of Chiclayo, 2023. It was considered a type of research in an applied manner, as a basis it was possible to have a descriptive type design, a confirmed sample of 183 workers with whom they were empowered to work by applying certain methods and possible techniques based on research in a quantitative way: Statistical method and therefore hence as a deferred technique using a survey, as qualitative research: Inductive – deductive method; and said direct observation and therefore interview were used in techniques. From the results that were obtained, it is noted to determine this relationship between commitment in an affective manner and said commitment in a normative manner accompanied by satisfaction in a labor manner of said workers belonging to an agro-industrial company in the district of Cayaltí. Finally, it is possible to recommend the tendency to apply annually while it is considered necessary to address the need of said company, as well as to prescribe studies based on questionnaires so that satisfaction is sought and a possible motivation is generated to tend to the comparison if there have been improvements through this we will be able to establish necessary strategies that can adapt to said problem investigated.
This thesis was carried out with the purpose of analyzing the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction of workers in an agroindustrial company in the district of Cayaltí, Province of Chiclayo, 2023. It was considered a type of research in an applied manner, as a basis it was possible to have a descriptive type design, a confirmed sample of 183 workers with whom they were empowered to work by applying certain methods and possible techniques based on research in a quantitative way: Statistical method and therefore hence as a deferred technique using a survey, as qualitative research: Inductive – deductive method; and said direct observation and therefore interview were used in techniques. From the results that were obtained, it is noted to determine this relationship between commitment in an affective manner and said commitment in a normative manner accompanied by satisfaction in a labor manner of said workers belonging to an agro-industrial company in the district of Cayaltí. Finally, it is possible to recommend the tendency to apply annually while it is considered necessary to address the need of said company, as well as to prescribe studies based on questionnaires so that satisfaction is sought and a possible motivation is generated to tend to the comparison if there have been improvements through this we will be able to establish necessary strategies that can adapt to said problem investigated.
Motivación laboral, Ambiente laboral, Bienestar laboral