Hábitos alimentarios y rendimiento académico en estudiantes de primaria en el Porvenir
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Los hábitos alimentarios, definidos como conductas repetitivas influenciadas por factores culturales, sociales y económicos, son fundamentales para la salud y el desarrollo cognitivo. La industrialización y urbanización han cambiado los patrones alimentarios, incrementando el consumo de grasas saturadas y reduciendo la ingesta de frutas y verduras, que podría afectar tanto la salud como el rendimiento escolar. Investigaciones en Lima y Cajamarca revelan una correlación positiva entre una buena nutrición y mejores calificaciones escolares. Objetivos: Establecer la relación entre hábitos alimentarios y rendimiento académico en estudiantes de primaria de la I.E. “Virgen del Carmen” en El Porvenir-2023. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal en el cual se recolectó datos sobre los hábitos alimentarios y promedios de notas de 155 alumnos del nivel primario de la I.E. “Virgen del Carmen” - 2023. Resultados: Un 87.7% de los estudiantes presentan buenos hábitos alimentarios. La mayoría de los estudiantes (88.4%) tienen un rendimiento académico bueno o de logro previsto (A), mientras que un 11% presenta un rendimiento regular o en proceso (B). No se observaron estudiantes con un rendimiento académico destacado (AD). En el 3° grado, el 50% de los estudiantes con hábitos alimentarios regulares lograron un rendimiento académico bueno. Conclusiones: De forma general no se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre los hábitos alimentarios y el rendimiento académico.
Palabras Clave: Hábitos alimentarios, Rendimiento académico, Nutrición
ABSTRACT: Feeding Behavior, defined as repetitive behaviors influenced by cultural, social and economic factors, are fundamental for health and cognitive development. Industrialization and urbanization have changed dietary patterns, increasing the consumption of saturated fats and reducing the intake of fruits and vegetables, which could affect both health and school performance. Research in Lima and Cajamarca reveals a positive correlation between good nutrition and better school grades. Objectives: Establish the relationship between feeding behavior and academic performance in primary school students of the I.E. “Virgen del Carmen” in El Porvenir-2023. Material and methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study in which data on feeding behavior and grade averages of 155 primary level students of the I.E. “Virgen del Carmen” - 2023. Results: 87.7% of students have good feeding behavior. The majority of students (88.4%) have good academic performance or expected achievement (A), while 11% have regular or ongoing performance (B). No students with outstanding academic performance (AD) were observed. In 3rd grade, 50% of students with regular feeding behavior achieved good academic performance. Conclusions: In general, no statistically significant relationship was found between feeding behavior and academic performance.
ABSTRACT: Feeding Behavior, defined as repetitive behaviors influenced by cultural, social and economic factors, are fundamental for health and cognitive development. Industrialization and urbanization have changed dietary patterns, increasing the consumption of saturated fats and reducing the intake of fruits and vegetables, which could affect both health and school performance. Research in Lima and Cajamarca reveals a positive correlation between good nutrition and better school grades. Objectives: Establish the relationship between feeding behavior and academic performance in primary school students of the I.E. “Virgen del Carmen” in El Porvenir-2023. Material and methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study in which data on feeding behavior and grade averages of 155 primary level students of the I.E. “Virgen del Carmen” - 2023. Results: 87.7% of students have good feeding behavior. The majority of students (88.4%) have good academic performance or expected achievement (A), while 11% have regular or ongoing performance (B). No students with outstanding academic performance (AD) were observed. In 3rd grade, 50% of students with regular feeding behavior achieved good academic performance. Conclusions: In general, no statistically significant relationship was found between feeding behavior and academic performance.
Hábitos Alimentarios, Rendimiento Académico, Nutrición