La azada en la agricultura del valle de Moche durante el Período Inicial: El caso de Huaca Menocucho
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación se enfoca en el estudio macroscópico y microscópico de las azadas líticas del sector 3 de Huaca Menocucho durante el Periodo Inicial. La azada, como herramienta multifuncional, desempeñó un papel esencial en la agricultura, y su fabricación varió según la disponibilidad y características de la materia prima. Se utilizaron diversas técnicas de manufactura, que se perfeccionaron con el tiempo, y las herramientas eran producidas tanto en canteras como en los campos de cultivo para minimizar los desplazamientos. El uso intensivo de las azadas generaba diferentes tipos de desgaste, lo que en algunos casos requería retoques o modificaciones para mantener su funcionalidad.
ABSTRACT The present research focuses on the macroscopic and microscopic study of the lithic hoes from Sector 3 of Huaca Menocucho during the Initial Period. The hoe, as a multifunctional tool, played an essential role in agriculture, and its production varied depending on the availability and characteristics of the raw material. Various manufacturing techniques were used, which were refined over time, and the tools were produced both in quarries and in the fields to minimize travel. The intensive use of hoes caused different types of wear, which in some cases required retouching or modifications to maintain their functionality.
ABSTRACT The present research focuses on the macroscopic and microscopic study of the lithic hoes from Sector 3 of Huaca Menocucho during the Initial Period. The hoe, as a multifunctional tool, played an essential role in agriculture, and its production varied depending on the availability and characteristics of the raw material. Various manufacturing techniques were used, which were refined over time, and the tools were produced both in quarries and in the fields to minimize travel. The intensive use of hoes caused different types of wear, which in some cases required retouching or modifications to maintain their functionality.
Riego prehispánico, Antiguo Perú, Arqueología agraria