Turismo y crecimiento económico en la provincia de Lambayeque
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El propósito de la investigación estuvo orientado a estudiar la importancia que tiene la actividad turística que genera recursos en beneficio del crecimiento económico de la Provincia Lambayeque. Esta investigación partirá analizando los datos recopilados del proyecto arqueológico Túcume, Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEI), Banco Central de Reserva del Perú (BCRP), Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo (MINCETUR), Dirección Regional de Cultura Lambayeque, EPSEL S.A y del Ministerio de Cultura, etc. Los datos recopilados fueron tabulados aplicando técnicas de estadística descriptiva (tablas estadísticas y tratamiento gráfico a través de histogramas), en los que se observará la interpretación de los datos de la problemática que se plantea en esta investigación, que es estudio de la relación de la actividad del turismo, entre otros patrimonios culturales y su implicancia en el crecimiento económico de la Provincia Lambayeque.
ABSTRACT The purpose of the research was oriented to study the importance of the tourist activity that generates resources for the benefit of the economic growth of the Lambayeque Province. This research will start by analyzing the data collected from the Túcume archaeological project, National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP), Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR), Regional Directorate of Lambayeque Culture, EPSEL SA and the Ministry of Culture, etc. The collected data were tabulated by applying descriptive statistics techniques (statistical tables and graphic treatment through histograms), in which the interpretation of the data of the problem that arises in this research will be observed, which is a study of the relationship of the tourism activity, among other cultural heritage and its implication in the economic growth of the Lambayeque Province.
ABSTRACT The purpose of the research was oriented to study the importance of the tourist activity that generates resources for the benefit of the economic growth of the Lambayeque Province. This research will start by analyzing the data collected from the Túcume archaeological project, National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP), Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR), Regional Directorate of Lambayeque Culture, EPSEL SA and the Ministry of Culture, etc. The collected data were tabulated by applying descriptive statistics techniques (statistical tables and graphic treatment through histograms), in which the interpretation of the data of the problem that arises in this research will be observed, which is a study of the relationship of the tourism activity, among other cultural heritage and its implication in the economic growth of the Lambayeque Province.
Turismo, Crecimiento económico, Patrimonio arqueológico, Lambayeque