Programa “Jugando juntos” para mejorar la convivencia escolar en estudiantes de educación primaria de una institución pública, Trujillo 2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia del Programa Jugando Juntos en la convivencia escolar de los estudiantes de segundo grado de primaria de la Institución pública N.º 81011 “Antonio Raimondi” de Trujillo en el año 2022. Para lo cual se empleó el diseño preexperimental. La población estuvo constituida por 141 estudiantes y la muestra de estudio por 26 estudiantes. El programa constó de 14 actividades con estrategias lúdicas, como el juego cooperativo y dramático en una duración de 2 meses. Se utilizó como instrumento de recolección de datos una guía de observación sobre la convivencia Escolar conformado por 20 ítems. Se realizó como técnica de procesamiento de datos la hoja de cálculo Excel para los resultados descriptivos, donde según los porcentajes obtenidos, el nivel alto se incrementó después de la aplicación del programa, obteniendo el 76,82 % en este nivel, siguiendo el nivel medio con un 23,08% y ningún estudiante con un nivel bajo. Asimismo, como prueba de hipótesis se aplicó la prueba no paramétrica Wilcoxon obteniendo un p valor (0,000) menor al alfa (0,05), por lo que se concluye que se determinó la influencia significativa del programa Jugando juntos en la convivencia escolar de los estudiantes.
The objective of this research work was to determine the influence of the Playing together Program on the school coexistence of the second grade students of the Educational Institution No. 81011 "Antonio Raimondi" of Trujillo in the year 2022. For which used the pre-experimental design. The population consisted of 141 students and the study sample by 26 students. The program consisted of 14 activities with ludic strategies, such as cooperative and dramatic play in a duration of 2 months. An observation guide on school coexistence consisting of 20 items was used as a data collection instrument. The Excel spreadsheet was used as a data processing technique for the descriptive results, where according to the percentages obtained, the high level increased after the application of the program, obtaining 76.82% at this level, following the medium level. with 23.08% and no student with a low level. Likewise, as a hypothesis test, the non-parametric Wilcoxon test was applied, obtaining a p value (0.000) less than alpha (0.05), so it is concluded that the significant influence of the Playing together program on the school coexistence of the students was determined students.
The objective of this research work was to determine the influence of the Playing together Program on the school coexistence of the second grade students of the Educational Institution No. 81011 "Antonio Raimondi" of Trujillo in the year 2022. For which used the pre-experimental design. The population consisted of 141 students and the study sample by 26 students. The program consisted of 14 activities with ludic strategies, such as cooperative and dramatic play in a duration of 2 months. An observation guide on school coexistence consisting of 20 items was used as a data collection instrument. The Excel spreadsheet was used as a data processing technique for the descriptive results, where according to the percentages obtained, the high level increased after the application of the program, obtaining 76.82% at this level, following the medium level. with 23.08% and no student with a low level. Likewise, as a hypothesis test, the non-parametric Wilcoxon test was applied, obtaining a p value (0.000) less than alpha (0.05), so it is concluded that the significant influence of the Playing together program on the school coexistence of the students was determined students.
Educación, Educación primaria, Juego educativo, Convivencia