Efecto del tratamiento hormonal en la inducción de ovulación y tamaño de camada en conejas (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo se llevó acabo en el distrito de Salaverry, provincia de Trujillo, Región La Libertad; con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto del tratamiento hormonal con GnRH en la inducción de ovulación y tamaño de camada en conejas. Se seleccionaron 24 conejas de la raza mini Belier entre 4,5 a 6 meses de edad con pesos comprendidos entre 2,800 y 3,200 kg. y bajo un diseño completo al azar se distribuyeron las unidades experimentales en dos tratamientos: un testigo (T0) y un tratamiento (T1). En el grupo T1 se aplicó el análogo de la GnRH, la hormona sintética Conceptal vía intramuscular (0,2 ml) una sola dosis inmediatamente después del servicio por monta natural. Se evaluaron dos partos consecutivos con intervalos entre ellos de 70 a 71 días; siendo las variables evaluadas: fertilidad, tamaño de camada y porcentaje de prolificidad. Respecto a fertilidad no se encontró diferencias estadísticas (p > 0,05), pero si se observó diferencias numéricas; en cambio si se encontró diferencias estadísticas para tamaño de camada y porcentaje de prolificidad (p < 0,01) siendo el tamaño de camada para T1 (7,43) y para el control 5,04. Se concluye que el uso de un análogo de GnRH la hormona Conceptal tuvo efecto significativo en la ovulación y por ende en el tamaño de camada y tasa de prolificidad, sin embargo, no se obtuvo efecto en la fertilidad de las conejas; el mejor beneficio-costo se obtuvo en el T1, mostrando un proyecto muy viable ya que los beneficios superan a los costos (B/C > 1).
ABSTRACT This work was carried out in the Salaverry district, Trujillo province, La Libertad region; with the objective of evaluating the effect of hormonal treatment with GnRH in the induction of ovulation and litter size in rabbits. 24 rabbits of the mini Belier breed between 4.5 to 6 months of age with weights between 2,800 and 3,200 kg were selected. and under a complete randomized design, the experimental units were distributed into two treatments: a control (T0) and a treatment (T1). In group T1, the GnRH analogue, the synthetic hormone Conceptal, was applied intramuscularly (0.2 ml) in a single dose immediately after service by natural mount. Two consecutive Birth with intervals between 70 to 71 days were evaluated; being the evaluated variables: fertility, litter size and percentage of prolificacy. Regarding fertility, no statistical differences were found (p> 0.05), but numerical differences were observed; On the other hand, if statistical differences were found for litter size and percentage of prolificacy (p <0.01), the litter size was for T1 (7.43) and for the control 5.04. It is concluded that the use of a GnRH analog the hormone Conceptal had a significant effect in ovulation and therefore in litter size and prolificity rate, however, no effect was obtained on the fertility of the rabbits; the best benefit-cost was obtained in T1, showing a very viable project since the benefits exceed the costs (B / C> 1).
ABSTRACT This work was carried out in the Salaverry district, Trujillo province, La Libertad region; with the objective of evaluating the effect of hormonal treatment with GnRH in the induction of ovulation and litter size in rabbits. 24 rabbits of the mini Belier breed between 4.5 to 6 months of age with weights between 2,800 and 3,200 kg were selected. and under a complete randomized design, the experimental units were distributed into two treatments: a control (T0) and a treatment (T1). In group T1, the GnRH analogue, the synthetic hormone Conceptal, was applied intramuscularly (0.2 ml) in a single dose immediately after service by natural mount. Two consecutive Birth with intervals between 70 to 71 days were evaluated; being the evaluated variables: fertility, litter size and percentage of prolificacy. Regarding fertility, no statistical differences were found (p> 0.05), but numerical differences were observed; On the other hand, if statistical differences were found for litter size and percentage of prolificacy (p <0.01), the litter size was for T1 (7.43) and for the control 5.04. It is concluded that the use of a GnRH analog the hormone Conceptal had a significant effect in ovulation and therefore in litter size and prolificity rate, however, no effect was obtained on the fertility of the rabbits; the best benefit-cost was obtained in T1, showing a very viable project since the benefits exceed the costs (B / C> 1).
Conejas, Inducción hormonal, Ovulación, Fertilidad, Prolificidad