Confederaci�n Per�-Boliviana

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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El trabajo de suficiencia profesional titulado Confederaci�n Per�-Boliviana sustenta te�rica _x000D_ y pedag�gicamente una experiencia de aprendizaje correspondiente al �rea de Ciencias _x000D_ Sociales, dirigido a adolescentes del 4�a�o del nivel secundario, considerando un tema de _x000D_ importancia en el proceso hist�rico de nuestro pa�s. La confederaci�n Per�-Boliviana tuvo _x000D_ el prop�sito de crear un estado que uniera a ambos pa�ses, Per� y Bolivia, para as� poder unir _x000D_ los circuitos comerciales que en alg�n momento en las �pocas prehisp�nicas se tuvo, pero _x000D_ lamentablemente se rompi� con la llegada del Virreinato del R�o de Plata y adem�s la _x000D_ creaci�n del Estado de Bolivia. Como veremos no tuvo una creaci�n f�cil, sino que habr� _x000D_ muchas dificultades para el proceso de instauraci�n. Al final llega a crearse a base de _x000D_ derramamientos de sangre, puesto que no todos estaban de acuerdo. Por �ltimo, veremos que _x000D_ la lucha con la disoluci�n segu�a perenne, por lo tanto, ocurrieron batallas las cuales dieron _x000D_ victoria a que se diera fin a la Confederaci�n Per�-Boliviana, dejando consigo una _x000D_ inestabilidad pol�tica y el comienzo de una anarqu�a militar.
This work demonstrating professional proficiency entitled "Peru-Bolivian Confederation" _x000D_ theoretically and pedagogically sustains a learning experience corresponding to the area of _x000D_ social sciences, aimed at adolescents in their 4th year of secondary school, and considers a _x000D_ topic of importance in the history of our country. The purpose of the Peru-Bolivian _x000D_ Confederation was to create a state that would unite both countries, Peru and Bolivia, in _x000D_ order to unite the commercial routes that once existed in pre-Hispanic times, but _x000D_ unfortunately it was broken with the arrival of the Viceroyalty of the R�o de Plata and the _x000D_ creation of the State of Bolivia. As we will see, it did not come into being easily, rather _x000D_ there were many difficulties in the establishment process. In the end it was created through _x000D_ bloodshed, since not everyone was in agreement. Finally, we will see that the struggle with _x000D_ the dissolution persisted, therefore, battles occurred which brought victory to the end of the _x000D_ Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation, leaving political instability and the beginning of a _x000D_ military anarchy.
Educaci�n, Educaci�n secundaria, Historia, Per�, Bolivia