Programa basado en el método Singapur para desarrollar la competencia “Resuelve problemas de regularidad, equivalencia y cambio” - Trujillo, 2019
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar en qué medida el Programa basado en el método Singapur desarrolla la competencia “Resuelve problemas de regularidad, equivalencia y cambio” en los estudiantes de segundo grado de primaria de la I.E n°. 81017 “Santa Edelmira, Trujillo, 2019. Para lo cual se empleó el diseño cuasiexperimental. La muestra estuvo constituida por 84 estudiantes. Se utilizó como instrumento de recolección de datos la Prueba de Resolución de Problemas (PRP) el cual estuvo conformada por 20 ítems. El programa estuvo conformado por 16 sesiones de aprendizaje que tuvieron una duración aproximada de tres meses. Se aplicó como prueba de hipótesis no paramétrica U de Mann-Whitney, para muestras independientes, obteniéndose un p-valor de 0,000; por lo que se concluye que la aplicación del programa basado en el método Singapur mejoró significativamente el desarrollo de dicha competencia.
The objective of this research work was to determine the extent to which the Program based on the Singapore method develops the competence “Solve problems of regularity, equivalence and change” in the students of second grade of primary school of the I.E no. 81017 “Santa Edelmira, Trujillo, 2019. For which the quasi-experimental design was used. The sample consisted of 84 students. The Problem Solving Test (PRP) was used as a data collection instrument, which consisted of 20 items. The program consisted of 16 learning sessions that lasted approximately three months. Mann-Whitney U nonparametric hypothesis test was applied for independent samples, obtaining a p-value of 0.000; It is therefore concluded that the application of the program based on the Singapore method significantly improved the development of such competence.
The objective of this research work was to determine the extent to which the Program based on the Singapore method develops the competence “Solve problems of regularity, equivalence and change” in the students of second grade of primary school of the I.E no. 81017 “Santa Edelmira, Trujillo, 2019. For which the quasi-experimental design was used. The sample consisted of 84 students. The Problem Solving Test (PRP) was used as a data collection instrument, which consisted of 20 items. The program consisted of 16 learning sessions that lasted approximately three months. Mann-Whitney U nonparametric hypothesis test was applied for independent samples, obtaining a p-value of 0.000; It is therefore concluded that the application of the program based on the Singapore method significantly improved the development of such competence.
Educación, Método de enseñanza, Matemáticas, Resolución de problemas