Métodos de control de la mosca de la fruta
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El objetivo de la presente revisión es brindar información suficiente al productor frutícola sobre los métodos de control de la mosca de la fruta, con el fin que cada productor ponga en marcha dichos métodos, para evitar daños causados por esta plaga, ya que ayuda a disminuir la producción, la cantidad y calidad de cada producto, siendo la calidad el principal requerimiento por parte de los consumidores. Las moscas de la fruta constituyen la plaga de mayor importancia en todos los productores fruticolas, causando daños físicos directos en la pulpa, producidos por las larvas y daños secundarios causados por la entrada de microorganismos patógenos, también causan daños indirectos como son las medidas cuarentenarias y los tratamientos de poscosecha, asimismo los factores abióticos como temperatura, humedad, luz y bióticos son los enemigos naturales, estos factores son los principales reguladores de las poblaciones de moscas de la fruta, ya que actúan en condiciones naturales y sin intervención del hombre. Pero para la prevención o disminución de la plaga de la mosca de la fruta son aplicados varios métodos de control, así como tipos de trampas que son utilizados con diferentes atrayentes, la cual nos ayudan a disminuir esta plaga, permitiendo tener fruta de mayor calidad.
ABSTRACT The aim of this review is to provide enough information to fruit producer on methods of control fruit fly, so that each producer put up such methods, to avoid damage caused by this pest, as it helps reduce production, the quantity and quality of each product, with the main requirement quality by consumers. The fruit flies are the major pest in all fruit growers, causing direct physical damage to the pulp produced by the larvae and secondary damage caused by the entry of pathogens, also cause indirect damage such as quarantine measures and postharvest treatments also abiotic factors such as temperature, humidity, light and biotic are natural enemies, these factors are key regulators of populations of fruit flies because they act under natural conditions without human intervention. But for the prevention or reduction of the plague of fruit flies they are applied various control methods and types of traps that are used with different attractants, which help us reduce this pest, allowing to have higher quality fruit.
ABSTRACT The aim of this review is to provide enough information to fruit producer on methods of control fruit fly, so that each producer put up such methods, to avoid damage caused by this pest, as it helps reduce production, the quantity and quality of each product, with the main requirement quality by consumers. The fruit flies are the major pest in all fruit growers, causing direct physical damage to the pulp produced by the larvae and secondary damage caused by the entry of pathogens, also cause indirect damage such as quarantine measures and postharvest treatments also abiotic factors such as temperature, humidity, light and biotic are natural enemies, these factors are key regulators of populations of fruit flies because they act under natural conditions without human intervention. But for the prevention or reduction of the plague of fruit flies they are applied various control methods and types of traps that are used with different attractants, which help us reduce this pest, allowing to have higher quality fruit.
Mosca de la fruta, Métodos de control, Tipos de trampas