La Estrategia Metacognitiva SQA para mejorar la Comprensión Lectora en Estudiantes de Primaria en una Institución Educativa de Trujillo, 2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo busca mejorar la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de quinto grado mediante la Estrategia Metacognitiva SQA, aplicada en un aula con 28 estudiantes (12 niñas y 16 niños), este trabajo de suficiencia profesional describe la práctica educativa y la mejora observada en la comprensión de textos cortos. La estrategia fomenta la autoevaluación y reflexión, ayudando a reconocer estrategias eficaces y áreas de mejora. Facilita la regulación del aprendizaje, apoyándolos en la planificación, monitoreo y control del proceso educativo, aumentando la conciencia de fortalezas y debilidades. La autorregulación emocional permite identificar y manejar emociones negativas que afectan el aprendizaje. Además, las estrategias promueven la transferencia de conocimientos entre contextos, fortaleciendo la aplicación práctica. En conclusión, la estrategia metacognitiva CQA mejoró la comprensión lectora en estudiantes, reflejándose en la comprensión de textos cortos y lectura de libros. Esto facilitó que expresaran sus entendimientos y demostraron una lectura más segura, contribuyendo al desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas.
The present work seeks to improve reading comprehension in fifth grade students through the SQA Metacognitive Strategy, applied in a classroom with 28 students (12 girls and 16 boys), this work of professional assessment describes the educational practice and the improvement observed in the comprehension of short texts. The strategy encourages self evaluation and reflection, helping to recognize effective strategies and areas for improvement. It facilitates the regulation of learning, supporting them in the planning, monitoring and controlling the educational process, increasing awareness of strengths and weaknesses. Emotional self-regulation allows the teacher to identify and manage negative emotions that affect learning. Furthermore, the strategies promote the transfer of knowledge across contexts, strengthening practical application. In conclusion, the CQA metacognitive strategy improved reading comprehension in students, reflected in the comprehension of short texts and book reading. This made it easier for them to express their understandings and demonstrate more confident reading, contributing to the development of communicative skills.
The present work seeks to improve reading comprehension in fifth grade students through the SQA Metacognitive Strategy, applied in a classroom with 28 students (12 girls and 16 boys), this work of professional assessment describes the educational practice and the improvement observed in the comprehension of short texts. The strategy encourages self evaluation and reflection, helping to recognize effective strategies and areas for improvement. It facilitates the regulation of learning, supporting them in the planning, monitoring and controlling the educational process, increasing awareness of strengths and weaknesses. Emotional self-regulation allows the teacher to identify and manage negative emotions that affect learning. Furthermore, the strategies promote the transfer of knowledge across contexts, strengthening practical application. In conclusion, the CQA metacognitive strategy improved reading comprehension in students, reflected in the comprehension of short texts and book reading. This made it easier for them to express their understandings and demonstrate more confident reading, contributing to the development of communicative skills.
Educación, Comunicación, Lectura, Método de enseñanza