Amistad y enamoramiento
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La Sesi�n titulada Amistad y Enamoramiento se ejecut� como parte del �rea de Desarrollo_x000D_
Personal, Ciudadan�a y C�vica para estudiantes del tercer grado de Educaci�n Secundaria de la_x000D_
Instituci�n Educativa �Marcial Acharan Y Smith�. Donde se abord� los conceptos b�sicos de_x000D_
amistad y enamoramiento, los s�ntomas que se presentan en esta etapa adolescente._x000D_
El prop�sito de la sesi�n es que las estudiantes reflexionen sobre c�mo vivir la amistad y el_x000D_
enamoramiento positivamente. Es importante destacar que en la etapa de la adolescencia se_x000D_
presenten nuevas emociones y/o sentimientos que pueden producir confusi�n hacia ellas mismas.
The lesson titled ��friendship and fall in love�� was applied as a part of area in personal_x000D_
development, citizenship and civic for third year students of the high school called ��Marcial_x000D_
Acharan y Smith��. Where we worked with basic terms of friendship and fall in love, which_x000D_
are symptoms that are involved in the adolescence stage._x000D_
The main objective of this lesson was that students realized about how to live with friendship_x000D_
and fall in love in a positive way. It is important to highlight that in the adolescence stage_x000D_
exists new emotions and feelings, which can cause confusion for themselves.
Educaci�n,, Psicolog�a, Psicolog�a del adolescente, Amistad, Enamoramiento