El Gateo y su importancia en la psicomotricidad de niños menores de 3 años, 2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente informe de investigación titulado El Gateo y su importancia en la psicomotricidad de niños menores de 3 años, 2022. Tuvo como objetivo, dar a conocer la importancia del gateo en la psicomotricidad del bebé en sus primeros 3 años. La investigación fue de tipo bibliográfica con diseño descriptivo simple, considerando los métodos histórico, analítico y sintético en el tratamiento de la información. Asimismo, las técnicas de análisis de documentos, registro documentario el uso del fichaje. El presente trabajo está fundamentado de manera teórica a través de la información obtenida de autores especializados en el tema de investigación relacionados con el gateo y el desarrollo motor infantil; lo cual fue importante para su elaboración y permitió conocer los beneficios del gateo en la psicomotricidad. Concluyendo que el gateo es importante en la psicomotricidad en bebés menores de 3 años porque es una etapa específica del desarrollo psicomotor del niño que debería experimentar en el medio. El gateo ayuda a madurar adecuadamente el tono muscular, tonifica y fortalece cinturas escapulares y pélvica, así como brazos y piernas y articulaciones, tonifica y aumenta la resistencia cardiovascular, ayuda y mejora la peristáltica intestinal, ayuda en la motricidad fina, permite determinar el espacio que lo rodea motivando el desarrollo neurológico.
This research report titled Crawling and its importance in the psychomotor skills of children under 3 years of age, 2022. Its objective was to make known the importance of crawling in the psychomotor skills of babies in their first 3 years. The research was bibliographic with a simple descriptive design, considering historical, analytical and synthetic methods in the treatment of information. Likewise, document analysis techniques, documentary registration and the use of signing. This work is theoretically based through information obtained from authors specialized in the research topic related to crawling and children's motor development; which was important for its development and allowed us to know the benefits of crawling on psychomotor skills. Concluding that crawling is important in psychomotor skills in babies under 3 years of age because it is a specific stage of the child's psychomotor development that they should experience in the middle. Crawling helps to properly mature muscle tone, tones and strengthens shoulder and pelvic girdles, as well as arms and legs and joints, tones and increases cardiovascular resistance, helps and improves intestinal peristalsis, helps in fine motor skills, allows space to be determined that surrounds it, motivating neurological development.
This research report titled Crawling and its importance in the psychomotor skills of children under 3 years of age, 2022. Its objective was to make known the importance of crawling in the psychomotor skills of babies in their first 3 years. The research was bibliographic with a simple descriptive design, considering historical, analytical and synthetic methods in the treatment of information. Likewise, document analysis techniques, documentary registration and the use of signing. This work is theoretically based through information obtained from authors specialized in the research topic related to crawling and children's motor development; which was important for its development and allowed us to know the benefits of crawling on psychomotor skills. Concluding that crawling is important in psychomotor skills in babies under 3 years of age because it is a specific stage of the child's psychomotor development that they should experience in the middle. Crawling helps to properly mature muscle tone, tones and strengthens shoulder and pelvic girdles, as well as arms and legs and joints, tones and increases cardiovascular resistance, helps and improves intestinal peristalsis, helps in fine motor skills, allows space to be determined that surrounds it, motivating neurological development.
Educación, Educación de la primera infancia, Actividad sensomotriz, Infancia