Nivel de cumplimiento de deuda financiera y su relación con las finanzas de comerciantes del mercado Acomimar, Trujillo, año 2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Los comerciantes del mercado Acomimar frecuentemente necesitan de créditos para financiar sus operaciones y lograr expandir su negocio. Sin embargo, el incumplimiento de las obligaciones financieras afecta su estabilidad económica, dificultando la capacidad para solventar necesidades operativas, limitando el acceso a nuevos financiamientos. La investigación presentada tuvo como objetivo general: Determinar la relación entre el nivel de cumplimiento de deuda financiera y las finanzas de los comerciantes del mercado Acomimar, Trujillo, en el año 2023. Se evaluó el nivel de cada variable estudiada y se estableció la correlación entre el cumplimiento de deuda financiera y la situación financiera de los comerciantes. La metodología utilizada fue de tipo aplicada, con un enfoque cuantitativo y un diseño no experimental de tipo transversal. Dado el tamaño de la población determinada para el estudio, que incluyó a 65 comerciantes, se trabajó con una población censal, sin necesidad de muestreo. Se emplearon encuestas como técnica de recolección de datos, utilizando un cuestionario con preguntas en una escala de Likert como instrumento. Los resultados analizados mostraron una correlación positiva muy alta entre el nivel de cumplimiento de deuda financiera y las finanzas de los comerciantes, con un coeficiente de correlación de 0.905 y un nivel de significancia de 0.000, lo que indica que el cumplimiento de las obligaciones de deuda está directamente relacionado con la mejora de las finanzas de los comerciantes. Esto sugiere que un adecuado manejo de las deudas por parte de los comerciantes del mercado Acomimar puede contribuir significativamente a su estabilidad económica.
ABSTRACT Acomimar market traders frequently need loans to finance their operations and expand their business. However, failure to meet financial obligations affects their economic stability, hindering their ability to meet operational needs and limiting access to new financing. The general objective of the research presented was to determine the relationship between the level of financial between the level of financial debt compliance and the finances of the merchants of the Acomimar market, Trujillo, in the year 2023. The level of each variable studied was evaluated and the correlation between financial debt compliance and the traders' financial situation was established. The methodology used was applied, with a quantitative approach and a non-experimental cross-sectional design. Given the size of the population determined for the study, which included 65 merchants, we worked with a census population, without the need for sampling. Surveys were used as a data collection technique, using a questionnaire with questions on a Likert scale as an instrument. The results analyzed showed a very high positive correlation between the level of financial debt compliance and traders' finances, with a correlation coefficient of 0.905 and a significance level of 0.000, indicating that compliance with debt obligations is directly related to the improvement of traders' finances. This suggests that proper debt management by Acomimar market traders can contribute to the improvement of traders' finances of the Acomimar market can contribute significantly to their economic stability.
ABSTRACT Acomimar market traders frequently need loans to finance their operations and expand their business. However, failure to meet financial obligations affects their economic stability, hindering their ability to meet operational needs and limiting access to new financing. The general objective of the research presented was to determine the relationship between the level of financial between the level of financial debt compliance and the finances of the merchants of the Acomimar market, Trujillo, in the year 2023. The level of each variable studied was evaluated and the correlation between financial debt compliance and the traders' financial situation was established. The methodology used was applied, with a quantitative approach and a non-experimental cross-sectional design. Given the size of the population determined for the study, which included 65 merchants, we worked with a census population, without the need for sampling. Surveys were used as a data collection technique, using a questionnaire with questions on a Likert scale as an instrument. The results analyzed showed a very high positive correlation between the level of financial debt compliance and traders' finances, with a correlation coefficient of 0.905 and a significance level of 0.000, indicating that compliance with debt obligations is directly related to the improvement of traders' finances. This suggests that proper debt management by Acomimar market traders can contribute to the improvement of traders' finances of the Acomimar market can contribute significantly to their economic stability.
Deuda financiera, Finanzas, Educación financiera, Estrategias financieras