Estrategias de comunicación política de la campaña electoral del candidato Lenin Bazán por la Región La Libertad, durante las elecciones congresales extraordinarias 2020
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de investigación titulado “Estrategias de comunicación política de la campaña electoral del candidato Lenin Bazán por la región La Libertad, durante las elecciones congresales extraordinarias 2020”, tiene como objetivo principal describir las estrategias de comunicación política utilizadas en una contienda exitosa, donde el candidato logró obtener buenos resultados. De esta manera, contribuiremos con conocimientos a la sociedad para futuras campañas electorales y proporcionamos información para diferentes trabajos de colegas comunicadores que tengan propósitos dentro de la política. Esta investigación es de enfoque cuantitativo y según su finalidad es descriptiva con diseño no experimental. En la cual para la recolección de datos se consideró trabajar con muestras constituidas por videos, entrevistas, noticias, piezas gráficas digitales y piezas gráficas publicitarias que aparecen en redes sociales y diferentes medios de comunicación. Utilizando la técnica de análisis de contenido junto a la guía de análisis como instrumento. Con los resultados, logramos conocer cuáles son las principales estrategias de comunicación política utilizadas en la campaña electoral del candidato Lenin Bazán por la región La Libertad, durante las elecciones congresales extraordinarias de 2020 concluyendo que el uso adecuado de elementos estratégicos y estrategias de posicionamiento, estrategias discursivas y estrategias publicitarias son relevantes en campañas políticas.
The present research work entitled "Political communication strategies of the electoral campaign of the candidate Lenin Bazán for the La Libertad region, during the 2020 extraordinary congressional elections", has as its main objective to describe the political communication strategies used in a successful contest, where the candidate managed to get good results. In this way, we will contribute knowledge to society for future electoral campaigns and provide information for different works of fellow communicators who have purposes within politics. This research has a quantitative approach and according to its purpose it is descriptive with a non-experimental design. In which for the data collection it was considered to work with samples consisting of videos, interviews, news, digital graphic pieces and advertising graphic pieces that appear on social networks and different media. Using the content analysis technique together with the analysis guide as an instrument. With the results, we were able to find out which are the main political communication strategies used in the electoral campaign of the candidate Lenin Bazán for the La Libertad region, during the extraordinary congressional elections of 2020, concluding that the adequate use of strategic elements and positioning strategies, strategies discursive and advertising strategies are relevant in political campaigns.
The present research work entitled "Political communication strategies of the electoral campaign of the candidate Lenin Bazán for the La Libertad region, during the 2020 extraordinary congressional elections", has as its main objective to describe the political communication strategies used in a successful contest, where the candidate managed to get good results. In this way, we will contribute knowledge to society for future electoral campaigns and provide information for different works of fellow communicators who have purposes within politics. This research has a quantitative approach and according to its purpose it is descriptive with a non-experimental design. In which for the data collection it was considered to work with samples consisting of videos, interviews, news, digital graphic pieces and advertising graphic pieces that appear on social networks and different media. Using the content analysis technique together with the analysis guide as an instrument. With the results, we were able to find out which are the main political communication strategies used in the electoral campaign of the candidate Lenin Bazán for the La Libertad region, during the extraordinary congressional elections of 2020, concluding that the adequate use of strategic elements and positioning strategies, strategies discursive and advertising strategies are relevant in political campaigns.
Comunicación, Ciencias de la comunicación, Comunicación política, Política, Elecciones