Taller de karate Impacto de emoción para fortalecer la autorregulación emocional en una institución educativa estatal de inicial, Trujillo – 2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación titulada Taller de karate Impacto de emoción para fortalecer la autorregulación emocional en una Institución Educativa estatal de inicial, Trujillo – 2022, tuvo como objetivo demostrar en qué medida el taller de karate fortalece la autorregulación emocional en una Institución Educativa estatal, Trujillo – 2022, la investigación fue de tipo aplicada, diseño pre experimental, la población estuvo constituida por 247 niñas y niños matriculados en la I.E.I. N°1638 Pasitos de Jesús, en el año escolar 2022, la muestra fue compuesta haciendo uso de la técnica de muestreo no probabilístico intencional, dónde se identificó a 15 niños y niñas los cuales pertenecen al aula de 4 años B. El instrumento de recolección de datos que se utilizó fue una rúbrica, la cual fue validada por juicios de expertos. Teniendo como resultado del pre test, el 53% de niños alcanzaron un nivel medio, el 47% un nivel bajo de autorregulación emocional y el 0% en el nivel alto lo que valida la elaboración del Taller de karate Impacto de emoción para fortalecer la autorregulación emocional en una Institución Educativa estatal de inicial, Trujillo – 2022
The present research entitled Karate Workshop: Impact of Emotion to Strengthen Emotional Self-Regulation in a state educational institution of initial, Trujillo – 2022, aimed to demonstrate to what extent the karate workshop strengthens emotional self-regulation in a state educational institution, Trujillo – 2022, the research was of an applied type, pre experimental design, the population was made up of 247 girls and boys, the sample was composed using the intentional non-probability sampling technique where 15 boys and girls were identified who belong to the 4-year-old B classroom. The data collection instrument used was a rubric, which was validated by expert judgments. As a result of the pre-test, 53% of children reached an intermediate level, 47% had a low level of emotional self-regulation and 0% had a high level, which validates the development of the Karate Workshop Impact of emotion to strengthen emotional self-regulation in a state educational institution of preschool, Trujillo – 2022.
The present research entitled Karate Workshop: Impact of Emotion to Strengthen Emotional Self-Regulation in a state educational institution of initial, Trujillo – 2022, aimed to demonstrate to what extent the karate workshop strengthens emotional self-regulation in a state educational institution, Trujillo – 2022, the research was of an applied type, pre experimental design, the population was made up of 247 girls and boys, the sample was composed using the intentional non-probability sampling technique where 15 boys and girls were identified who belong to the 4-year-old B classroom. The data collection instrument used was a rubric, which was validated by expert judgments. As a result of the pre-test, 53% of children reached an intermediate level, 47% had a low level of emotional self-regulation and 0% had a high level, which validates the development of the Karate Workshop Impact of emotion to strengthen emotional self-regulation in a state educational institution of preschool, Trujillo – 2022.
Educación, Educación de la primera infancia, Taller educativo, Psicología de la educación, Institución estatal de educación