Rol del adulto durante los momentos de cuidado para el desarrollo del lenguaje oral en infantes de 1 año, 2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer cuál es el rol del adulto durante los momentos de cuidado para el desarrollo del lenguaje oral en infantes de 1 año. El estudio fue de tipo básica. Se utilizó el diseño de investigación bibliográfica simple, usando los métodos analítico y sintético para analizar la información de libros, tesis y artículos; también, se empleó técnicas de recolección de datos como: el registro documentario, las fichas textuales y de parafraseo. Se determinó que el rol del adulto durante los momentos de cuidado para el desarrollo del lenguaje oral, radica en la importancia de los contactos corporales, las caricias, las palabras afectuosas y comunicación permanente que le brindamos al niño al momento de sueño, de juego, de cambiarlo, alimentarlo, bañarlo; a medida de la comunicación que podamos establecer en cada uno de estos momentos es que va conociéndose a sí mismo, y a la vez, a la persona que lo cuida. La primera conciencia que el bebé tiene de sí mismo y de su cuerpo se da cuando experimenta los límites de este mientras es atendido. Finalmente, Se realizó una descripción detallada de las acciones que podemos poner en práctica durante los momentos de cuidado para el desarrollo del lenguaje oral, en la cual se evidencia el mencionar el nombre de cada objeto y situaciones a desarrollar, ir incrementando el significado de las cosas que observa en forma gradual y de acuerdo a sus patrones de desarrollo en cada etapa del lenguaje oral, así como el anticiparle de lo que se le vamos a realizar en cada momento de cuidado.
The objective of this research work was to know what the role of the adult is during moments of care for the development of oral language in 1-year-old infants. The study was basic. The simple bibliographic research design was used, using analytical and synthetic methods to analyze information from books, theses and articles; Also, data collection techniques were used such as: documentary registration, textual and paraphrasing files. It was determined that the role of the adult during moments of care for the development of oral language lies in the importance of body contacts, caresses, affectionate words and permanent communication that we provide to the child at the time of sleep, play, to change him, feed him, bathe him; The measure of communication that we can establish in each of these moments is that he gets to know himself, and at the same time, the person who cares for him. The first awareness that the baby has of himself and his body occurs when he experiences its limits while being cared for. Finally, a detailed description was made of the actions that we can put into practice during moments of care for the development of oral language, in which it is evident to mention the name of each object and situations to be developed, increasing the meaning of the things that you observe gradually and according to your development patterns at each stage of oral language, as well as anticipating what we are going to do at each moment of care.
The objective of this research work was to know what the role of the adult is during moments of care for the development of oral language in 1-year-old infants. The study was basic. The simple bibliographic research design was used, using analytical and synthetic methods to analyze information from books, theses and articles; Also, data collection techniques were used such as: documentary registration, textual and paraphrasing files. It was determined that the role of the adult during moments of care for the development of oral language lies in the importance of body contacts, caresses, affectionate words and permanent communication that we provide to the child at the time of sleep, play, to change him, feed him, bathe him; The measure of communication that we can establish in each of these moments is that he gets to know himself, and at the same time, the person who cares for him. The first awareness that the baby has of himself and his body occurs when he experiences its limits while being cared for. Finally, a detailed description was made of the actions that we can put into practice during moments of care for the development of oral language, in which it is evident to mention the name of each object and situations to be developed, increasing the meaning of the things that you observe gradually and according to your development patterns at each stage of oral language, as well as anticipating what we are going to do at each moment of care.
Educación, Educación de la primera infancia, Comunicación, Familia, Lenguaje familiar, Cuidado del niño, Cuidado del niño