Clima institucional y desempeño docente en la I. E. Manuel Encarnación, Santiago de Chuco, 2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El propósito principal de esta investigación fue establecer la relación entre el Clima Institucional y Desempeño Docente en la Institución Educativa N° 80521 de Santiago de Chuco en 2022. El estudio se basó en datos cuantitativos y utilizó un enfoque no experimental y correlacional con 40 docentes participantes. Se usó una encuesta para obtener datos sobre Clima Institucional y desempeño docente, utilizando un cuestionario como instrumento. Se realizaron pruebas de validez de contenido en los instrumentos mediante la evaluación de tres expertos, mostrando así su aplicabilidad. La confiabilidad se determinó con la prueba Alfa de Cronbach, obteniendo coeficientes de 0,846 para el cuestionario de Clima Institucional y de 0,751 para el cuestionario de desempeño docente. Estos resultados indican una alta confiabilidad. Se encontró una conexión significativa (rho= 0,849; Sig=0,000<0,05) entre el Clima Institucional y el Desempeño Docente en la Institución Educativa N° 80521 de Santiago de Chuco en 2022.
The main purpose of this research was to establish the connection between the Institutional Climate and Teacher Performance at Educational Institution No. 80521 of Santiago de Chuco in 2022. The study was based on quantitative data and used a non-experimental and correlational approach with 40 participating teachers. A survey was used to obtain data on Institutional Climate and teaching performance, using a questionnaire as an instrument. Content validity tests were carried out on the instruments through the evaluation of three experts, thus showing their applicability. Reliability was determined with Cronbach's Alpha test, obtaining coefficients of 0.846 for the Institutional Climate questionnaire and 0.751 for the teaching performance questionnaire. These results indicate high reliability. A significant connection was found (rho= 0.849; Sig=0.000<0,05) between the Institutional Climate and Teaching Performance in Educational Institution No. 80521 of Santiago de Chuco in 2022.
The main purpose of this research was to establish the connection between the Institutional Climate and Teacher Performance at Educational Institution No. 80521 of Santiago de Chuco in 2022. The study was based on quantitative data and used a non-experimental and correlational approach with 40 participating teachers. A survey was used to obtain data on Institutional Climate and teaching performance, using a questionnaire as an instrument. Content validity tests were carried out on the instruments through the evaluation of three experts, thus showing their applicability. Reliability was determined with Cronbach's Alpha test, obtaining coefficients of 0.846 for the Institutional Climate questionnaire and 0.751 for the teaching performance questionnaire. These results indicate high reliability. A significant connection was found (rho= 0.849; Sig=0.000<0,05) between the Institutional Climate and Teaching Performance in Educational Institution No. 80521 of Santiago de Chuco in 2022.
Educación, Tecnología educacional, Aprendizaje, Ambiente de trabajo