El poblamiento de Am�rica
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Los primeros pobladores de Am�rica, los investigadores han planteados diversas teor�as_x000D_
de inmigraci�n, por tanto, las m�s conocidas son:_x000D_
La teor�a asi�tica de Alex Hrdlicka Plantea que a finales del periodo Pleistoceno (10000_x000D_
a.C. aprox.) cazadores mongoloides provenientes de Asia cruzaron el estrecho de Bering y_x000D_
llegaron a Alaska, en Am�rica del Norte. Entonces ellos habr�an poblado el resto del_x000D_
continente dando origen a todos las etnias ind�genas americanas._x000D_
La teor�a oce�nica de Paul R�vet Sostiene que aparte de los asi�ticos tambi�n_x000D_
llegaron navegantes oce�nicos (melan�sicos y polin�sicos) navegando por el Oc�ano_x000D_
Pac�fico. Los melan�sicos habr�an ingresado por Am�rica Central y los polin�sicos por_x000D_
Am�rica del Sur._x000D_
La teor�a australiana de M�ndez Correa: Dijo que aparte de asi�ticos, melan�sicos y_x000D_
polin�sicos tambi�n llegaron nativos de Australia, quienes habr�an cruzado la Ant�rtida_x000D_
durante un "�ptimo clim�tico" para llegar a la Tierra del Fuego y Patagonia, en Am�rica del Sur.
The first settlers from America, researchers have raised several theories of immigration so_x000D_
the most known are:_x000D_
Alex Hrdlicka�s Asian theory: He proposed at the end of Pleistocene period (approximately_x000D_
10,000 BC) Mongolian hunters from Asia crossed the Bering Strait and they arrived in_x000D_
Alaska from North America. Then they populated the rest of the continent giving rise to all_x000D_
Native American ethnicities._x000D_
Paul Rivet�s Oceanic Theory: He held that apart from Asians also Oceanic Navigators came_x000D_
(meses and polynesians) navigating for Pacific Ocean._x000D_
The Melanesians would have entered from Central America and the Polynesians would have_x000D_
entered from South America._x000D_
Mendez Correa�s Australian theory: He told that apart from Asians, Melanders and_x000D_
Polynesians also Australian natives came who would have crossed Antarctica during a_x000D_
"climate optimum" to arrive to Land of Fire and Patagonia, in South America.
Educaci�n, Historia, Poblamiento, Am�rica