Relación del nivel de inteligencia emocional y desempeño laboral de trabajadores de Droguerías - Lima 2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación de tipo descriptivo correlacional y de corte transversal se realizó en dos Droguerías de la ciudad de Lima; con el objetivo de determinar la relación entre el nivel de la inteligencia emocional y el desempeño laboral de trabajadores de Droguerías. La muestra fue de 32 trabajadores que estaban laborando durante el año 2023 y que aceptaron ser parte del estudio; para la obtención de datos se utilizó dos instrumentos de medida, un cuestionario que consta de 45 preguntas para la inteligencia emocional la cual fue dividida en cinco dimensiones y otro que consta de 13 preguntas para el desempeño laboral dividido en tres dimensiones; ambos instrumentos fueron validados mediante la confiabilidad del Alfa de Cronbach. Se obtuvo que el 59.4% y 3.1% presentaron una inteligencia emocional de nivel alto y muy alto respectivamente mientras que el 37.5% presentó un nivel regular, en cuanto al desempeño laboral el 65.6% y 21.9% presentaron un nivel bueno y muy bueno respectivamente mientras que el 12.5% presentó un nivel regular. Se concluye que existe una correlación de manera positiva y fuerte con un valor de 0.567 según Rho de Spearman.
This descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional research was carried out in two drugstores located in the city of Lima. The aim was to determinate the relationship between the level of emotional intelligence and job performance of the drugstores staff. The sample consisted of 32 workers who were working during the year 2023 and who agreed to be part of the study; two measurement instruments were used to obtain data, a questionnaire consisted of 45 questions about emotional intelligence, which was divided into five dimensions and another one consisted of 13 questions about job performance divided into three dimensions; both instruments were validated by the Cronbach's alpha reliability. It was obtained that 59.4% and 3.1% showed a high and very high level of emotional intelligence respectively, while 37.5% presented a regular level. With respect to work performance, 65.6% and 21.9% presented a good and very good level respectively, while 12.5% demonstrated a regular level. It is concluded that a positive and strong correlation exists, with a value of 0.567 according to Spearman's Rho.
This descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional research was carried out in two drugstores located in the city of Lima. The aim was to determinate the relationship between the level of emotional intelligence and job performance of the drugstores staff. The sample consisted of 32 workers who were working during the year 2023 and who agreed to be part of the study; two measurement instruments were used to obtain data, a questionnaire consisted of 45 questions about emotional intelligence, which was divided into five dimensions and another one consisted of 13 questions about job performance divided into three dimensions; both instruments were validated by the Cronbach's alpha reliability. It was obtained that 59.4% and 3.1% showed a high and very high level of emotional intelligence respectively, while 37.5% presented a regular level. With respect to work performance, 65.6% and 21.9% presented a good and very good level respectively, while 12.5% demonstrated a regular level. It is concluded that a positive and strong correlation exists, with a value of 0.567 according to Spearman's Rho.
Droguerías, Inteligencia emocional, Desempeño laboral