Atractividad turística del Complejo Turístico El Edén para el desarrollo del turismo de salud: termomineromedicinal
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Las necesidades y preferencias de los turistas son cada vez más exigentes, pues buscan desarrollar actividades turísticas de manera sostenible dentro de un entorno rural. Esta realidad turística se muestra en El Edén, disfrutando de un asombroso paisaje natural, y de la vida cotidiana de su población mediante la siembra y cosecha de sus cultivos y en la alimentación de su ganadería, además del trato amable y familiar hacia el turista. El Turismo de Salud, se subdivide en Turismo Médico y Turismo de Bienestar, siendo este último el que mejor se acomoda a esta investigación, convirtiéndose en una alternativa para quienes buscan desarrollar actividades con relación al relajamiento físico, mental y espiritual. Bajo este contexto se realizó la presente investigación titulada: Atractividad turística del Complejo Turístico El Edén para el desarrollo del turismo de salud: termomineromedicinal, permitiendo identificar las propiedades curativas de sus aguas, en base al principio físico-químico, debido a la alta temperatura de sus aguas y a su composición mineral de azufre; el conocimiento popular y la predisposición de la comunidad, manifestado en los testimonios y comentarios de la comunidad sobre las propiedades curativas de las aguas; la demanda del Complejo Turístico El Edén, reflejado en el perfil del turista que visita lugares rurales a base de aguas termales, detallando sus características demográficas, psicográficas y conductuales. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se aplicó el método etnográfico y el analítico-sintético, y las técnicas empleadas fueron la entrevista, la observación directa, el fichaje y la encuesta.
ABSTRACT The needs and preferences of tourists are increasingly demanding, as they seek to develop tourism activities in a sustainable manner within a rural environment. This tourist reality is shown in El Eden, enjoying an amazing natural landscape, and the daily life of its population through the sowing and harvesting of their crops and the feeding of their livestock, in addition to the friendly and familiar treatment towards the tourist. Health Tourism is subdivided into Medical Tourism and Wellness Tourism, the latter being the one that best suits this research, becoming an alternative for those seeking to develop activities related to physical, mental and spiritual relaxation. In this context, the present research entitled: Tourist attractiveness of the El Edén Tourist Complex for the development of health tourism was carried out: Thermo-mineral-medicinal, allowing the identification of the curative properties of its waters, based on the physical-chemical principle, due to the high temperature of its waters and its sulphur mineral composition; the popular knowledge and the predisposition of the community, manifested in the testimonies and comments of the community about the curative properties of the waters; the demand of the El Edén Tourist Complex, reflected in the profile of the tourist that visits rural places based on thermal waters, detailing its demographic, psychographic and behavioural characteristics. For the development of this research, the ethnographic and the analytical-synthetic methods were applied, and the techniques used were interviews, direct observation, data collection and the survey.
ABSTRACT The needs and preferences of tourists are increasingly demanding, as they seek to develop tourism activities in a sustainable manner within a rural environment. This tourist reality is shown in El Eden, enjoying an amazing natural landscape, and the daily life of its population through the sowing and harvesting of their crops and the feeding of their livestock, in addition to the friendly and familiar treatment towards the tourist. Health Tourism is subdivided into Medical Tourism and Wellness Tourism, the latter being the one that best suits this research, becoming an alternative for those seeking to develop activities related to physical, mental and spiritual relaxation. In this context, the present research entitled: Tourist attractiveness of the El Edén Tourist Complex for the development of health tourism was carried out: Thermo-mineral-medicinal, allowing the identification of the curative properties of its waters, based on the physical-chemical principle, due to the high temperature of its waters and its sulphur mineral composition; the popular knowledge and the predisposition of the community, manifested in the testimonies and comments of the community about the curative properties of the waters; the demand of the El Edén Tourist Complex, reflected in the profile of the tourist that visits rural places based on thermal waters, detailing its demographic, psychographic and behavioural characteristics. For the development of this research, the ethnographic and the analytical-synthetic methods were applied, and the techniques used were interviews, direct observation, data collection and the survey.
Turismo de bienestar , Turismo de salud, Oferta turística