Cuidado enfermero y satisfacción del control de crecimiento y desarrollo en madres con niños menores de tres años
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo de determinar la relación existente entre la calidad del cuidado enfermero y el nivel de satisfacción sobre el control CRED en madres con niños menores de tres años, del Centro de Salud Manuel Sánchez Villegas – Chiclayo. Se empleó el enfoque de tipo cuantitativo – descriptivo con diseño correlacional, teniendo como población a 76 madres de niños menores de 3 años y la muestra de 63, dato obtenido mediante muestreo no probabilístico y por conveniencia. Para recolectar los datos se realizó la entrevista, aplicando como instrumento dos encuestas: el 1ero que mide la calidad del cuidado enfermero y el 2do que mide la satisfacción de las madres. Teniendo como resultados, que existe una alta calidad del cuidado enfermero con un 92,1% y un alto nivel de satisfacción de 88,9%, llegando a la conclusión: que existe relación entre la calidad del cuidado enfermero y el nivel de satisfacción sobre el CRED en madres con niños menores de tres años al control CRED, con valor de p = 0,036 significativamente (p<0,05) y directamente proporcional.
The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between the quality of nursing care and the level of satisfaction with the CRED control in mothers with children under three years of age, at the Manuel Sánchez Villegas Health Center – Chiclayo. A quantitative-descriptive approach with a correlational design was used, with the population being 76 mothers of children under 3 years of age and a sample of 63, data obtained through non-probabilistic and convenience sampling. To collect the data, the interview was carried out, applying two surveys as instruments: “Promoting quality nursing care” and “Satisfaction Questionnaire: Happy mothers, healthy and happy children.” Having as results, that there is a high quality of nursing care with 92.1% and a high level of satisfaction of 88.9%, reaching the conclusion: that there is a relationship between the quality of nursing care and the level of satisfaction over the CRED in mothers with children under three years of age to the CRED control, with value of p = 0.036 significantly (p<0.05) and directly proportional.
The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between the quality of nursing care and the level of satisfaction with the CRED control in mothers with children under three years of age, at the Manuel Sánchez Villegas Health Center – Chiclayo. A quantitative-descriptive approach with a correlational design was used, with the population being 76 mothers of children under 3 years of age and a sample of 63, data obtained through non-probabilistic and convenience sampling. To collect the data, the interview was carried out, applying two surveys as instruments: “Promoting quality nursing care” and “Satisfaction Questionnaire: Happy mothers, healthy and happy children.” Having as results, that there is a high quality of nursing care with 92.1% and a high level of satisfaction of 88.9%, reaching the conclusion: that there is a relationship between the quality of nursing care and the level of satisfaction over the CRED in mothers with children under three years of age to the CRED control, with value of p = 0.036 significantly (p<0.05) and directly proportional.
HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History