La inversión extranjera directa y su influencia en el crecimiento económico del Perú, 2000 – 2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente informe de tesis tiene como objetivo determinar la influencia de la inversión extranjera directa en el crecimiento económico del Perú, durante el periodo 2000 - 2022. Respecto de la metodología, el diseño de la investigación es no experimental, de tipo longitudinal y con un alcance correlacional. Se utilizan series de tiempo trimestrales, siendo un total de 184 datos, los cuales fueron recopilados de la base estadística del Banco Central de Reserva del Perú. Asimismo, se realiza la estimación de un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple, a través de la metodología de Mínimos Cuadrados Ordinarios. Los resultados de la investigación muestran mediante evidencia empírica que la inversión extranjera directa influye positiva y significativamente en el crecimiento económico del Perú, para el periodo de estudio. Se concluye, que ante un incremento del 1% en los flujos de inversión de capital extranjero, el crecimiento económico del Perú aumenta en 0.197%.
ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis report is to determine the influence of foreign direct investment on the economic growth of Peru, during the period 2000 - 2022. Regarding the methodology, the research design is non-experimental, longitudinal and with a correlational scope. Quarterly time series are used, with a total of 184 data, which were collected from the statistical base of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru. Likewise, the estimation of a multiple linear regression model is carried out, through the Ordinary Least Squares methodology. The results of the research show through empirical evidence that foreign direct investment positively and significantly influences the economic growth of Peru, for the study period. It is concluded that with a 1% increase in foreign capital investment flows, Peru's economic growth increases by 0.197%. Quarterly time series are used, with a total of 184 data, which were collected from the statistical base of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru.
ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis report is to determine the influence of foreign direct investment on the economic growth of Peru, during the period 2000 - 2022. Regarding the methodology, the research design is non-experimental, longitudinal and with a correlational scope. Quarterly time series are used, with a total of 184 data, which were collected from the statistical base of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru. Likewise, the estimation of a multiple linear regression model is carried out, through the Ordinary Least Squares methodology. The results of the research show through empirical evidence that foreign direct investment positively and significantly influences the economic growth of Peru, for the study period. It is concluded that with a 1% increase in foreign capital investment flows, Peru's economic growth increases by 0.197%. Quarterly time series are used, with a total of 184 data, which were collected from the statistical base of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru.
Inversión extranjera directa, Crecimiento económico, Apertura comercial