Programa SingapurPlay para mejorar la resolución de problemas de adición y sustracción en estudiantes de una Institución Educativa, Trujillo-2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación tuvo como propósito determinar en qué medida la aplicación el programa SingapurPlay mejorará la resolución de problemas de adición y sustracción, en los estudiantes del 1° grado “B” del C.E.E “Rafael Narváez Cadenillas” de Trujillo en el año 2023. El enfoque asumido en esta investigación es el cuantitativo y es de tipo aplicada, con un diseño cuasi experimental. La muestra estuvo conformada por 40 estudiantes del primer grado, el grupo experimental por 20 estudiantes y el grupo control con un total de 20 estudiantes. La técnica utilizada fue la observación y el instrumento utilizado fue la encuesta, así mismo usamos la prueba no paramétrica U de Mann-Whitney y Wilcoxon para el análisis de datos. Al aplicar la prueba Wilcoxon se obtuvo como resultado un P=0.000 demostrando una variación significativa en los niveles de logro obtenidos luego de aplicación del programa, aceptando la hipótesis de investigación y rechazando la nula, asimismo en la prueba U de Mann-Whitney al comparar los resultados de pretest y postest entre el grupo control y experimental se obtuvo un P=0,000, demostrando la influencia que ha tenido el programa en la resolución de problemas de adición y sustracción. Por lo tanto, se concluyó que la aplicación del programa SingapurPlay mejoró significativamente la resolución de problemas de adición y sustracción, en los estudiantes de 1° grado “B” del C.E.E “Rafael Narváez Cadenillas” de Trujillo en el año 2023.
The purpose of this research was to determine to what extent the application of the SingapurPlay program will improve the resolution of addition and subtraction problems in students of the 1st grade "B" of the C.E.E "Rafael Narváez Cadenillas" of Trujillo in the year 2023. The approach taken in this research is quantitative and is of an applied type, with a quasi-experimental design. The sample consisted of 40 first grade students, the experimental group by 20 students and the control group with a total of 20 students. The technique used was observation and the instrument used was the survey, likewise we used the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test and Wilcoxon for data analysis. When applying the Wilcoxon test, the result obtained was P = 0.000, demonstrating a significant variation in the achievement levels obtained after applying the program, accepting the research hypothesis and rejecting the null, also in the Mann-Whitney U test when comparing the pretest and posttest results between the control and experimental group, a P = 0.000 was obtained, demonstrating the influence that the program has had in solving addition and subtraction problems. Therefore, it was concluded that the application of the SingapurPlay program significantly improved the resolution of addition and subtraction problems in 1st grade "B" students of the C.E.E "Rafael Narváez Cadenillas" of Trujillo in the year 2023.
The purpose of this research was to determine to what extent the application of the SingapurPlay program will improve the resolution of addition and subtraction problems in students of the 1st grade "B" of the C.E.E "Rafael Narváez Cadenillas" of Trujillo in the year 2023. The approach taken in this research is quantitative and is of an applied type, with a quasi-experimental design. The sample consisted of 40 first grade students, the experimental group by 20 students and the control group with a total of 20 students. The technique used was observation and the instrument used was the survey, likewise we used the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test and Wilcoxon for data analysis. When applying the Wilcoxon test, the result obtained was P = 0.000, demonstrating a significant variation in the achievement levels obtained after applying the program, accepting the research hypothesis and rejecting the null, also in the Mann-Whitney U test when comparing the pretest and posttest results between the control and experimental group, a P = 0.000 was obtained, demonstrating the influence that the program has had in solving addition and subtraction problems. Therefore, it was concluded that the application of the SingapurPlay program significantly improved the resolution of addition and subtraction problems in 1st grade "B" students of the C.E.E "Rafael Narváez Cadenillas" of Trujillo in the year 2023.
Educación, Matemáticas, Resolución de problemas, Programa de enseñanza, Aritmética, Aprendizaje activo