Características y propiedades funcionales de Myrciaria dubia “Camu Camu”
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El camu camu (Myrciaria Dubia) es una fruta natural con un gran potencial alimenticio, funcional e innovador; ya que contiene una fuente importante de componentes bioactivos tales como la vitamina C, Compuestos fenólicos y carotenoides, que le permiten contar con un gran capacidad antioxidante. Ademas de contar con minerales como potasio, hierro, calico, fósforo; varias clases de aminoácidos, tales como serina, valina y leucina; y tambien contener diferentes tipos de ácidos grasos, principalmente estearico, linoleico, oleico, tricosanoico y eicosadienoico. Por las caracteristicas antes mencionadas el camu camu presenta importante actividad para la prevención de enfermedades con actividad antiinflamatoria ,hipoglicemia, antiobesidad y antiproliferativa para algunas células cancerígenas. Es por ese motivo que mediante esta revisión ponemos de manifiesto las caracteristicas y propiedades del camu camu el cual puede ser utilizados no solo como alimento funcional sino también para cuidar la salud humana.
ABSTRACT The camu camu (Myrciaria Dubia) is a natural fruit with great nutritional, functional and innovative potential; as it contains an important source of bioactive compounds such as vitamin C, phenolic compounds and carotenoids, which allow you to have a high antioxidant capacity. Besides having minerals such as potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus; various kinds of amino acids such as serine, valine and leucine; and also contain different types of fatty acids, primarily stearic, linoleic, oleic, and eicosadienoic tricosanoic. For the features mentioned above camu camu it has significant activity for the prevention of diseases with anti-inflammatory activity, hypoglycemia, obesity and antiproliferative for some cancer cells. It is for this reason that through this review we show the characteristics and properties of camu camu which can be used not only as a functional food but also for human health care.
ABSTRACT The camu camu (Myrciaria Dubia) is a natural fruit with great nutritional, functional and innovative potential; as it contains an important source of bioactive compounds such as vitamin C, phenolic compounds and carotenoids, which allow you to have a high antioxidant capacity. Besides having minerals such as potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus; various kinds of amino acids such as serine, valine and leucine; and also contain different types of fatty acids, primarily stearic, linoleic, oleic, and eicosadienoic tricosanoic. For the features mentioned above camu camu it has significant activity for the prevention of diseases with anti-inflammatory activity, hypoglycemia, obesity and antiproliferative for some cancer cells. It is for this reason that through this review we show the characteristics and properties of camu camu which can be used not only as a functional food but also for human health care.
Propiedades funcionales, Compuestos Bioactivos, Capacidad antioxidante, Compuesto Fenólicos