Variaciones de medios de cultivo que estimulan la síntesis de metabolitos con actividades antibacteriana y antioxidante en el género Tenacibaculum
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar los medios de cultivo que estimulan la síntesis de metabolitos con actividades antibacteriana y antioxidante en el género Tenacibaculum. Se formularon once medios de cultivo enriquecidos con lambda carragenano, hierro citrato, sulfato de hierro, gelatina, aminoácidos, levadura, peptona y EDTA, en distintas formulaciones, para el crecimiento de las especies Tenacibaculum discolor, Tenacibaculum mesophylum y Tenacibaculum sp (ILL). Los fermentados fueron obtenidos a partir de la biomasa bacteriana y se obtuvieron extractos a través de la cromatografía en columna con fase reversa (C18). La evaluación de la actividad antibacteriana se realizó con la técnica de difusión de agar en discos, enfrentando los extractos concentrados con las bacterias Pseudomonas alcaliphila y Bacillus subtilis. Asimismo, se realizaron pruebas antioxidantes por los métodos de DPPH y ABTS. Se encontraron que los extractos 4, 7, 8 y 9, comunes entre las especies en estudio generaron halos de inhibición de 15,5-23,0 mm frente a P. alcaliphila. Las actividades antioxidantes mayores fueron de 674,9 ± 50,21 y 1451,2 ± 163,86 mg ET/g de extracto seco para DPPH y ABTS, respectivamente. Se determinó que existe una correlación positiva entre la actividad antibacteriana y antioxidante para T. discolor y T. mesophylum. Se concluyó que los medios enriquecidos con gelatina, sulfato de hierro, levadura, peptona y EDTA estimulan metabolitos con actividades antibacteriana y antioxidante en especies del género Tenacibaculum.
The objective of the research was to evaluate the culture media that stimulate the synthesis of metabolites with antibacterial and antioxidant activities in the genus Tenacibaculum. Eleven culture media enriched with lambda carrageenan, iron citrate, iron sulfate, gelatin, amino acids, yeast, peptone and EDTA, in different formulations, were formulated for the growth of Tenacibaculum discolor, Tenacibaculum mesophylum and Tenacibaculum sp (ILL). The fermentates were obtained from the bacterial biomass and extracts were obtained by reverse phase column chromatography (C18). The evaluation of antibacterial activity was carried out with the agar diffusion technique in discs, confronting the concentrated extracts with the bacteria Pseudomonas alcaliphila and Bacillus subtilis. Antioxidant tests were also performed by DPPH and ABTS methods. Extracts 4, 7, 8 and 9, common among the species under study were found to generate inhibition halos of 15,5-23,0 mm against P. alcaliphila. The highest antioxidant activities were 674.9 ± 50.21 and 1451.2 ± 163.86 mg ET/g dry extract for DPPH and ABTS, respectively. A positive correlation between antibacterial and antioxidant activity was determined for T. discolor and T. mesophylum. It was concluded that media enriched with gelatin, iron sulfate, yeast, peptone and EDTA stimulate metabolites with antibacterial and antioxidant activities in species of the genus Tenacibaculum.
The objective of the research was to evaluate the culture media that stimulate the synthesis of metabolites with antibacterial and antioxidant activities in the genus Tenacibaculum. Eleven culture media enriched with lambda carrageenan, iron citrate, iron sulfate, gelatin, amino acids, yeast, peptone and EDTA, in different formulations, were formulated for the growth of Tenacibaculum discolor, Tenacibaculum mesophylum and Tenacibaculum sp (ILL). The fermentates were obtained from the bacterial biomass and extracts were obtained by reverse phase column chromatography (C18). The evaluation of antibacterial activity was carried out with the agar diffusion technique in discs, confronting the concentrated extracts with the bacteria Pseudomonas alcaliphila and Bacillus subtilis. Antioxidant tests were also performed by DPPH and ABTS methods. Extracts 4, 7, 8 and 9, common among the species under study were found to generate inhibition halos of 15,5-23,0 mm against P. alcaliphila. The highest antioxidant activities were 674.9 ± 50.21 and 1451.2 ± 163.86 mg ET/g dry extract for DPPH and ABTS, respectively. A positive correlation between antibacterial and antioxidant activity was determined for T. discolor and T. mesophylum. It was concluded that media enriched with gelatin, iron sulfate, yeast, peptone and EDTA stimulate metabolites with antibacterial and antioxidant activities in species of the genus Tenacibaculum.
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