El aprendizaje del cuidado en enfermería en tiempos de COVID-19 desde la perspectiva del estudiante y el docente
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El aprendizaje del cuidado en enfermería en tiempos de COVID-19 desde la perspectiva del estudiante y el docente" examina cómo la pandemia afectó la formación de enfermería, obligando a una transición hacia la educación remota. En este contexto, los estudiantes de la Universidad de Guayaquil tuvieron que adaptarse rápidamente al aprendizaje en línea, que presentó desafíos significativos al reemplazar las prácticas clínicas presenciales esenciales para el desarrollo de competencias prácticas. La metodología de investigación utilizada fue cualitativa con un enfoque fenomenológico, explorando las experiencias de estudiantes y docentes a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas. La investigación resalta que, pese a los esfuerzos realizados, la enseñanza remota no logró suplir completamente las necesidades formativas en enfermería, especialmente en cuanto a habilidades clínicas y el desarrollo de la empatía. Los docentes, por su parte, enfrentaron la dificultad de adaptar métodos tradicionales a formatos virtuales, empleando herramientas tecnológicas como simulaciones digitales y plataformas interactivas para mantener la esencia del cuidado en la distancia. Los resultados reflejan la percepción de ambos grupos sobre las limitaciones y el potencial del modelo de enseñanza remoto, indicando que, si bien permitió continuar con la formación, se requieren ajustes para abordar las deficiencias observadas. Como conclusión, el estudio propone ajustes curriculares que incluyan un modelo híbrido de enseñanza, adaptado a las exigencias de la "nueva normalidad" post-pandemia. Esta modalidad combinada busca retener los beneficios de la virtualidad en la teoría, mientras reintegra las prácticas presenciales fundamentales en la formación en enfermería
"Learning nursing care in times of COVID-19 from the perspective of the student and the teacher" examines how the pandemic affected nursing education, forcing a transition to remote education. In this context, students at the University of Guayaquil had to quickly adapt to online learning, which presented significant challenges by replacing face-to-face clinical practices essential for the development of practical skills. The research methodology used was qualitative with a phenomenological approach, exploring the experiences of students and teachers through semi-structured interviews. The research highlights that, despite the efforts made, remote teaching failed to fully meet the training needs in nursing, especially in terms of clinical skills and the development of empathy. Teachers, for their part, faced the difficulty of adapting traditional methods to virtual formats, using technological tools such as digital simulations and interactive platforms to maintain the essence of care at a distance. The results reflect the perception of both groups on the limitations and potential of the remote teaching model, indicating that, although it allowed training to continue, adjustments are required to address the observed deficiencies. In conclusion, the study proposes curricular adjustments that include a hybrid teaching model, adapted to the demands of the "new normal" post-pandemic. This combined modality seeks to retain the benefits of virtuality in theory, while reintegrating fundamental face-to-face practices in nursing training.
"Learning nursing care in times of COVID-19 from the perspective of the student and the teacher" examines how the pandemic affected nursing education, forcing a transition to remote education. In this context, students at the University of Guayaquil had to quickly adapt to online learning, which presented significant challenges by replacing face-to-face clinical practices essential for the development of practical skills. The research methodology used was qualitative with a phenomenological approach, exploring the experiences of students and teachers through semi-structured interviews. The research highlights that, despite the efforts made, remote teaching failed to fully meet the training needs in nursing, especially in terms of clinical skills and the development of empathy. Teachers, for their part, faced the difficulty of adapting traditional methods to virtual formats, using technological tools such as digital simulations and interactive platforms to maintain the essence of care at a distance. The results reflect the perception of both groups on the limitations and potential of the remote teaching model, indicating that, although it allowed training to continue, adjustments are required to address the observed deficiencies. In conclusion, the study proposes curricular adjustments that include a hybrid teaching model, adapted to the demands of the "new normal" post-pandemic. This combined modality seeks to retain the benefits of virtuality in theory, while reintegrating fundamental face-to-face practices in nursing training.
HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History