Importancia del método Montessori en el desarrollo cognitivo en la primera infancia, 2019
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de investigación descriptivo considera que el método Montessori pone especial énfasis en los primeros años de la vida del infante, ya que es precisamente durante este período en que emergen paulatinamente fenómenos asombrosos como la psique y el comportamiento humano. Esta metodología educativa se basa en la idea de dar al niño la libertad que este se merece. Defiende, entre otros aspectos, el respeto del ritmo de aprendizaje de cada niño, el papel de guía por parte del maestro y la importancia de la libre elección, del orden, la distribución y el estado de los materiales y el espacio del aula. Todo está estrechamente relacionado con el desarrollo cognitivo en cada etapa del infante que desarrolla una nueva forma de operar. Este desarrollo gradual sucede por medio de tres principios interrelacionados: la organización la adaptación y el equilibrio La investigación es básica, cuyo tipo de estudio es bibliográfico. En dicha investigación se utilizó libros, tesis, guías, internet. Para la elaboración de este trabajo de investigación.
The descriptive research paper considers that the Montessori method places special emphasis on the first years of the infant's life, since it is precisely during this period that amazing phenomena such as psyche and human behavior gradually emerge. The educational methodology is based on the idea of giving the child the freedom he deserves. It defends, among other aspects, the respect of each child's learning rhythm, the guiding role on the part of the teacher and the importance of free choice, order, distribution and state of materials and classroom space. Everything is closely related to cognitive development at each stage of the infant that develops a new way of operating. This gradual development happens through three interrelated principles: organization, adaptation and balance. The research is basic, whose type of study is bibliographic. In this research, books, theses, guides, internet were used. For the elaboration of this research work.
The descriptive research paper considers that the Montessori method places special emphasis on the first years of the infant's life, since it is precisely during this period that amazing phenomena such as psyche and human behavior gradually emerge. The educational methodology is based on the idea of giving the child the freedom he deserves. It defends, among other aspects, the respect of each child's learning rhythm, the guiding role on the part of the teacher and the importance of free choice, order, distribution and state of materials and classroom space. Everything is closely related to cognitive development at each stage of the infant that develops a new way of operating. This gradual development happens through three interrelated principles: organization, adaptation and balance. The research is basic, whose type of study is bibliographic. In this research, books, theses, guides, internet were used. For the elaboration of this research work.
Método Montessori, Desarrollo cognitivo, Educación temprana, Estimulación temprana