Influencia de tubérculos altoandinos en la dieta del poblador de Santa Rita B - valle de Chao, durante el Intermedio Tardío
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Esta investigación consistió en realizar en base a las técnicas de la Arqueobotánica, análisis microscópicos de granos de almidón en fragmentos de cerámica provenientes del Conjunto Arquitectónico 3 – Sector 1, sitio arqueológico Santa Rita “B”, cuya finalidad es determinar la “influencia de tubérculos altoandinos en la dieta del poblador de Santa Rita B - valle de Chao, durante el Intermedio Tardío”. Los resultados muestran datos importantes, porque se ha podido aislar e identificar cuatro especies de plantas por medio de la identificación de almidones, como Zea mays “maíz”, Manihot esculenta “yuca”, Solanum tuberosum “papa” y Oxalis tuberosa “oca”, siendo los dos últimos de relevancia.
ABSTRACT This research consisted in carrying out, based on the techniques of Archaeobotany, microscopic analysis of starch grains in ceramic fragments from the Architectural Complex 3 - Sector 1, archaeological site Santa Rita "B", in order to determine the "influence of high Andean tubers in the diet of the inhabitants of Santa Rita B - Chao Valley, during the Late Intermediate Period". The results show important data, because it has been possible to isolate and identify four plant species through the identification of starches, such as Zea mays "maize", Manihot esculenta "yucca", Solanum tuberosum "potato" and Oxalis tuberosa "oca", the last two being of relevance.
ABSTRACT This research consisted in carrying out, based on the techniques of Archaeobotany, microscopic analysis of starch grains in ceramic fragments from the Architectural Complex 3 - Sector 1, archaeological site Santa Rita "B", in order to determine the "influence of high Andean tubers in the diet of the inhabitants of Santa Rita B - Chao Valley, during the Late Intermediate Period". The results show important data, because it has been possible to isolate and identify four plant species through the identification of starches, such as Zea mays "maize", Manihot esculenta "yucca", Solanum tuberosum "potato" and Oxalis tuberosa "oca", the last two being of relevance.
, Análisis microscópicos, Granos de almidón