Redactamos propuestas para afrontar el fenómeno del Niño Costero en una infografía
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El informe de suficiencia profesional “Redactamos propuestas para afrontar el fenómeno del Niño Costero en una infografía” tiene por objetivo sustentar teórica y pedagógicamente una sesión de aprendizaje del Área de Comunicación, a la vez que contextualiza la ejecución de la misma, tanto respecto a los fundamentos que rigen el sistema educativo peruano, como a los aspectos personales y del entorno cercano del estudiante. En esa línea, el estudiante es considerado el centro del proceso educativo, el mismo que se centra en el aprendizaje, por lo que las actividades tendientes a alcanzarlo deben seguir las orientaciones que son producto de un largo y productivo proceso de apropiación de saberes, de los cuales la práctica pedagógica se ha ido nutriendo a lo largo del tiempo y que hoy se manifiesta mediante la aplicación del enfoque socio cultural, ligado a la construcción de un estudiante útil a sí mismo y a su entorno natural, cultural y social. En ese sentido nuestro país está afrontando los desastres ocasionados por El Niño Costero, que es un fenómeno natural recurrente que ha afectado a diversas regiones costeras, causando daños significativos tanto a nivel humano como ambiental. Nuestro objetivo principal al desarrollar esta sesión es que los educandos mejoren su capacidad de redactar textos elaborando una infografía en la que se brinde una visión clara y concisa sobre las propuestas que consideren fundamentales para hacer frente al Niño Costero. Utilizando información relevante y actualizada, recursos gráficos y visuales para facilitar la comprensión de los datos presentados.
The professional sufficiency report "We write proposals to face the phenomenon of the Coastal Child in an infographic" aims to theoretically and pedagogically support a learning session in the Communication Area, while contextualizing its execution, both with respect to the fundamentals that govern the Peruvian educational system, as well as personal aspects and the immediate environment of the student. In this line, the student is considered the center of the educational process, the same one that focuses on learning, so the activities aimed at achieving it must follow the guidelines that are the product of a long and productive process of appropriation of knowledge, of which pedagogical practice has been nurtured over time and which today is manifested through the application of the socio-cultural approach, linked to the construction of a student useful to himself and his natural, cultural and social environment. In this sense, our country is facing the disasters caused by El Niño Costero, which is a recurring natural phenomenon that has affected various coastal regions, causing significant damage both at a human and environmental level. Our main objective in developing this session is that the students improve their ability to write texts by producing an infographic that provides a clear and concise vision on the proposals that they consider fundamental to face the Coastal Child. Using relevant and up to-date information, graphic and visual resources to facilitate understanding of the data presented.
The professional sufficiency report "We write proposals to face the phenomenon of the Coastal Child in an infographic" aims to theoretically and pedagogically support a learning session in the Communication Area, while contextualizing its execution, both with respect to the fundamentals that govern the Peruvian educational system, as well as personal aspects and the immediate environment of the student. In this line, the student is considered the center of the educational process, the same one that focuses on learning, so the activities aimed at achieving it must follow the guidelines that are the product of a long and productive process of appropriation of knowledge, of which pedagogical practice has been nurtured over time and which today is manifested through the application of the socio-cultural approach, linked to the construction of a student useful to himself and his natural, cultural and social environment. In this sense, our country is facing the disasters caused by El Niño Costero, which is a recurring natural phenomenon that has affected various coastal regions, causing significant damage both at a human and environmental level. Our main objective in developing this session is that the students improve their ability to write texts by producing an infographic that provides a clear and concise vision on the proposals that they consider fundamental to face the Coastal Child. Using relevant and up to-date information, graphic and visual resources to facilitate understanding of the data presented.
Educación, Comunicación, Infografía, Redacción