Percepción ciudadana sobre la calidad de las obras públicas en el distrito de Trujillo, 2020 – 2021
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Este estudio analiza el nivel de percepción ciudadana sobre la calidad de las obras públicas en el distrito de Trujillo, como una ciudad en desarrollo donde la calidad de las obras públicas ha sido descuidada por los contratistas y no ha mejorado en las últimas décadas. Este estudio fue motivado por la poca participación que tienen los ciudadanos en el proceso de la ejecución de las obras públicas, con la finalidad de buscar el desarrollo integral y sostenible de las obras públicas. Además, se debe realizar un buen análisis utilizando evidencia empírica, lo que puede conducir a una mejor toma de decisiones sobre la ejecución de las obras públicas. Tras la aplicación de una encuesta a través del cuestionario Escala de Likert a 383 ciudadanos del distrito de Trujillo, se halló que el mayor porcentaje de la población en cada sector, no les da la aceptación a las obras ejecutadas, es decir están insatisfechos y creen que no contribuían significativamente a su calidad de vida, solo un 35% aproximadamente manifestaron que las obras si les satisface sus expectativas, por lo que finalmente se puede afirmar que las obras publicas ejecutadas en el distrito de Trujillo la mayoría de la población se encuentra insatisfecha.
ABSTRACT This study analyzes the level of citizen perception about the quality of public works in the district of Trujillo, as a developing city where the quality of public works has been neglected by contractors and has not improved in recent decades. This study was motivated by the little participation that citizens have in the process of the execution of public works, with the purpose of seeking the integral and sustainable development of public works. In addition, a good analysis must be carried out using empirical evidence, which can lead to better decision-making on the execution of public works. After the application of a survey through the Likert Scale questionnaire to 383 citizens of the Trujillo district, it was found that the highest percentage of the population in each sector does not accept the works carried out, that is, they are dissatisfied and believe that did not contribute significantly to their quality of life, only approximately 35% stated that the works do meet their expectations, so finally it can be affirmed that the public works carried out in the Trujillo district are dissatisfied with the majority of the population.
ABSTRACT This study analyzes the level of citizen perception about the quality of public works in the district of Trujillo, as a developing city where the quality of public works has been neglected by contractors and has not improved in recent decades. This study was motivated by the little participation that citizens have in the process of the execution of public works, with the purpose of seeking the integral and sustainable development of public works. In addition, a good analysis must be carried out using empirical evidence, which can lead to better decision-making on the execution of public works. After the application of a survey through the Likert Scale questionnaire to 383 citizens of the Trujillo district, it was found that the highest percentage of the population in each sector does not accept the works carried out, that is, they are dissatisfied and believe that did not contribute significantly to their quality of life, only approximately 35% stated that the works do meet their expectations, so finally it can be affirmed that the public works carried out in the Trujillo district are dissatisfied with the majority of the population.
Obras públicas, Calidad de la obra, Percepción