Desempeño sísmico del antiguo Instituto Regional de Oftalmología de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente estudio "Desempeño Sísmico del Antiguo Instituto Regional de Oftalmología de
la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Trujillo, 2024" se enfoca
en evaluar la estructura del instituto con el objetivo de proponer medidas efectivas de
reforzamiento para optimizar su comportamiento sismorresistente. Los objetivos específicos
trazados incluyen la determinación de la resistencia a la compresión del concreto en los
elementos estructurales, la evaluación del potencial de corrosión del acero estructural, y la
estimación de la capacidad portante del suelo de fundación. Mediante ensayos
especializados y el programa de modelado estructural CSI ETABS, se identificaron
deficiencias en la rigidez y configuración estructural en la estructura original, presentando
derivas de 33.63 /1000 y 33.05/1000 en las direcciones X y Y, respectivamente, además se
identificó columnas frágiles, con dimensiones de 25 cm x 30 cm y vigas
sobredimensionadas, con dimensiones de 25 cm x 75 cm. En respuesta a estos hallazgos, se
plantea una propuesta integral de reforzamiento que incluye la implementación de muros
estructurales o placas, los cuales absorberán gran parte de la fuerza sísmica ante un evento
sísmico severo y proporcionará a la estructura de mayor rigidez, llegando a obtener derivas
de 3.43/1000 y 3.47/1000 en las direcciones X y Y, respectivamente, en el módulo A,
mientras que en el módulo B se llegó a obtener derivas de 3.56/1000 y 1.20/1000 en las
direcciones X y Y, respectivamente, aligerando así la carga sísmica en las columnas y
logrando un mejor desempeño estructural, de un nivel de colapso a una ocupación inmediata,
con rotaciones promedio de 0.004627 en vigas y 0.0025 en columnas del módulo A, y
rotaciones promedio de 0.008384 en vigas y 0.00442 en columnas del módulo B,
encontrándose los elementos estructurales en ocupación inmediata para el bloque A y
algunos en seguridad de vida para el bloque B, de acuerdo a la tabla 10-7 y 10-8 estipulada
por la norma ASCE 41-17 en su capítulo de criterios de aceptación para los elementos
estructurales de concreto armado; garantizando así la funcionalidad de la estructura y
cumpliendo con los estándares internacionales y nacional de las buenas prácticas para la
evaluación de edificaciones existentes como las estipuladas en ASCE 41-17, FEMA 440,
ATC 40 y la Norma Peruana de Diseño Sismorresistente E.030, lo que asegura la durabilidad
a largo plazo de la estructura.
The present study "Seismic Performance of the Old Regional Institute of Ophthalmology of the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Trujillo, Trujillo, 2024" focuses on evaluating the structure of the institute with the aim of proposing effective reinforcement measures to optimize its seismic resistant behavior. The specific objectives outlined include the determination of the compressive strength of the concrete in the structural elements, the evaluation of the corrosion potential of the structural steel, and the estimation of the bearing capacity of the foundation soil. Through specialized tests and the CSI ETABS structural modeling program, deficiencies in the rigidity and structural configuration in the original structure were identified, presenting drifts of 33.63 /1000 and 33.05/1000 in the X and Y directions, respectively, in addition to brittle columns, with dimensions of 25 cm x 30 cm and oversized beams, with dimensions of 25 cm x 75 cm. In response to these findings, a comprehensive reinforcement proposal is proposed that includes the implementation of structural walls or plates, which will absorb a large part of the seismic force in the event of a severe seismic event and provide the structure with greater rigidity, obtaining drifts of 3.43/1000 and 3.47/1000 in the X and Y directions. respectively, in module A, while in module B drifts of 3.56/1000 and 1.20/1000 were obtained in the X and Y directions, respectively, thus lightening the seismic load on the columns and achieving a better structural performance, from a collapse level to an immediate occupation, with average rotations of 0.004627 in beams and 0.0025 in columns of module A, and average rotations of 0.008384 in beams and 0.00442 in columns of module B, with the structural elements in immediate occupation for block A and some in life safety for block B, in accordance with table 10-7 and 10-8 stipulated by the ASCE 41-17 standard in its chapter on acceptance criteria for reinforced concrete structural elements; thus guaranteeing the functionality of the structure and complying with international and national standards of good practices for the evaluation of existing buildings such as those stipulated in ASCE 41-17, FEMA 440, ATC 40 and the Peruvian Seismic Resistant Design Standard E.030, which ensures the longterm durability of the structure.
The present study "Seismic Performance of the Old Regional Institute of Ophthalmology of the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Trujillo, Trujillo, 2024" focuses on evaluating the structure of the institute with the aim of proposing effective reinforcement measures to optimize its seismic resistant behavior. The specific objectives outlined include the determination of the compressive strength of the concrete in the structural elements, the evaluation of the corrosion potential of the structural steel, and the estimation of the bearing capacity of the foundation soil. Through specialized tests and the CSI ETABS structural modeling program, deficiencies in the rigidity and structural configuration in the original structure were identified, presenting drifts of 33.63 /1000 and 33.05/1000 in the X and Y directions, respectively, in addition to brittle columns, with dimensions of 25 cm x 30 cm and oversized beams, with dimensions of 25 cm x 75 cm. In response to these findings, a comprehensive reinforcement proposal is proposed that includes the implementation of structural walls or plates, which will absorb a large part of the seismic force in the event of a severe seismic event and provide the structure with greater rigidity, obtaining drifts of 3.43/1000 and 3.47/1000 in the X and Y directions. respectively, in module A, while in module B drifts of 3.56/1000 and 1.20/1000 were obtained in the X and Y directions, respectively, thus lightening the seismic load on the columns and achieving a better structural performance, from a collapse level to an immediate occupation, with average rotations of 0.004627 in beams and 0.0025 in columns of module A, and average rotations of 0.008384 in beams and 0.00442 in columns of module B, with the structural elements in immediate occupation for block A and some in life safety for block B, in accordance with table 10-7 and 10-8 stipulated by the ASCE 41-17 standard in its chapter on acceptance criteria for reinforced concrete structural elements; thus guaranteeing the functionality of the structure and complying with international and national standards of good practices for the evaluation of existing buildings such as those stipulated in ASCE 41-17, FEMA 440, ATC 40 and the Peruvian Seismic Resistant Design Standard E.030, which ensures the longterm durability of the structure.
TECHNOLOGY::Civil engineering and architecture