Gestión del efectivo y su incidencia en la situación financiera de la empresa constructora ALERCOGE S.A.C., 2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El propósito de esta investigación fue determinar la incidencia de la gestion del efectivo y la situación financiera la empresa ALERCOGE S.A.C; 2023. El estudio fue no experimental y el diseño correlacional, transeccional, causal. La muestra se seleccionó a 5 colaboradores del área de Finanzas y 4 colaboradores del área de Tesorería de la empresa constructora ALERCOGE SAC; se usó dos cuestionarios confiables y validados para recolectar la información de campo; los datos obtenidos fueron procesados a través del software de estadística para ciencias sociales SPSS V23. Los resultados encontrados se muestran en tablas y figuras estadísticas de forma ordenada y detallada. Se determinó que existe incidencia positiva entre la gestion del efectivo y la situación financiera la empresa ALERCOGE S.A.C; 2023, con un con un valor de Nagelkerke 0.89, y nivel de significancia de logística ordinal menor al 5% (Sig. < 0.05)
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to determine the incidence of cash management and the financial situation of the company ALERCOGE S.A.C; 2023.The study was non-experimental and the design was correlational, transectional, causal. The sample was selected from 5 collaborators from the Finance area and 4 collaborators from the Treasury area of the construction company ALERCOGE SAC; two reliable and validated questionnaires were used to collect field information; the data obtained were processed through the statistical software for social sciences SPSS V23. The results found are shown in tables and statistical figures in an orderly and detailed manner. It was determined that there is a positive incidence between cash management and the financial situation of the company ALERCOGE S.A.C; 2023, with a Nagelkerke value of 0.89, and ordinal logistic significance level of less than 5% (Sig. < 0.05).
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to determine the incidence of cash management and the financial situation of the company ALERCOGE S.A.C; 2023.The study was non-experimental and the design was correlational, transectional, causal. The sample was selected from 5 collaborators from the Finance area and 4 collaborators from the Treasury area of the construction company ALERCOGE SAC; two reliable and validated questionnaires were used to collect field information; the data obtained were processed through the statistical software for social sciences SPSS V23. The results found are shown in tables and statistical figures in an orderly and detailed manner. It was determined that there is a positive incidence between cash management and the financial situation of the company ALERCOGE S.A.C; 2023, with a Nagelkerke value of 0.89, and ordinal logistic significance level of less than 5% (Sig. < 0.05).
Gestión del efectivo, Situación financiera, Administración