Acciones de responsabilidad social empresarial que influyen en las condiciones de vida de los pobladores de Santa Elena, Virú, 2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El objetivo de la investigación es evaluar el efecto de las acciones de responsabilidad social implementadas por las empresas y organizaciones en el Centro Poblado Santa Elena durante el año 2023 en las condiciones de vida de los pobladores, con un enfoque en la mejora de aspectos como la educación y el empleo. La hipótesis plantea que estas acciones generan un mayor compromiso y sentido de pertenencia en las empresas con la comunidad, lo que a su vez fomenta el desarrollo sostenible y la mejora de las condiciones de vida de los pobladores. El diseño de investigación propuesto es no experimental, cuantitativo, de tipo causal y transversal. Este enfoque se basa en la observación y análisis de datos para establecer relaciones causales entre variables. Se recolectaron los datos a través de encuestas o cuestionarios estructurados que contuvieron preguntas relacionadas con las acciones de responsabilidad social y las condiciones de vida. Luego, se utilizó técnicas estadísticas para analizar los datos y establecer relaciones causales entre las variables. En cuanto a las conclusiones, los resultados sugieren una percepción predominantemente negativa sobre el impacto de las acciones de responsabilidad social en la calidad de la educación, la participación comunitaria, la efectividad de los programas educativos, la preparación para enfrentar desafíos futuros, la empleabilidad, la capacitación laboral y el desarrollo económico. Estos resultados reflejan la importancia de considerar otros factores más allá de la capacitación para mejorar las oportunidades laborales y el desarrollo económico.
ABSTRACT The objective of the research is to evaluate the effect of social responsibility actions implemented by companies and organizations in the Santa Elena Population Center during the year 2023 on the living conditions of the residents, with a focus on improving aspects such as education and employment. The hypothesis states that these actions generate a greater commitment and sense of belonging in companies with the community, which in turn promotes sustainable development and improvement of the living conditions of residents. The proposed research design is non-experimental, quantitative, causal and transversal. This approach is based on observation and data analysis to establish causal relationships between variables. Data were collected through surveys or structured questionnaires that contained questions related to social responsibility actions and living conditions. Then, statistical techniques were used to analyze the data and establish causal relationships between the variables. Regarding the conclusions, the results suggest a predominantly negative perception about the impact of social responsibility actions on the quality of education, community participation, the effectiveness of educational programs, preparation to face future challenges, employability, job training and economic development. These results reflect the importance of considering factors beyond training to improve job opportunities and economic development.
ABSTRACT The objective of the research is to evaluate the effect of social responsibility actions implemented by companies and organizations in the Santa Elena Population Center during the year 2023 on the living conditions of the residents, with a focus on improving aspects such as education and employment. The hypothesis states that these actions generate a greater commitment and sense of belonging in companies with the community, which in turn promotes sustainable development and improvement of the living conditions of residents. The proposed research design is non-experimental, quantitative, causal and transversal. This approach is based on observation and data analysis to establish causal relationships between variables. Data were collected through surveys or structured questionnaires that contained questions related to social responsibility actions and living conditions. Then, statistical techniques were used to analyze the data and establish causal relationships between the variables. Regarding the conclusions, the results suggest a predominantly negative perception about the impact of social responsibility actions on the quality of education, community participation, the effectiveness of educational programs, preparation to face future challenges, employability, job training and economic development. These results reflect the importance of considering factors beyond training to improve job opportunities and economic development.
Bienestar laboral, Desarrollo social, Responsabilidad social