Sistema de gestión de calidad y el procesamiento de información del Laboratorio Hospital I La Esperanza Essalud, 2024
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente estudio buscó establecer la correlación del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad (SGC) en el procesamiento de información del Laboratorio del Hospital I La Esperanza durante el año 2024. El estudio empleó una metodología no experimental, con enfoque correlacional y corte transversal, aplicada a una muestra de 25 empleados.
Los hallazgos revelaron que el 52% de los encuestados observa tanto la implementación del SGC como el procesamiento de información en un nivel medio. El análisis estadístico demostró una correlación positiva moderada (0.666) entre las variables principales, evidenciando que el fortalecimiento del SGC contribuye a una gestión más eficiente de la información. Adicionalmente, se identificaron correlaciones específicas entre el SGC y tres dimensiones clave: precisión de resultados (0.529), eficiencia operativa (0.428) y seguridad de la información (0.431).
El estudio concluye que una implementación más robusta del SGC mejora sustancialmente la precisión, eficiencia y seguridad en el manejo de datos. Sin embargo, se identificaron áreas que requieren atención, principalmente en la integración de sistemas y el fortalecimiento de las competencias del personal para elevar los estándares de calidad del servicio.
The present study sought to establish the correlation between the Quality Management System (QMS) and information processing in the Laboratory of Hospital I La Esperanza during the year 2024. The study used a non-experimental methodology, with a correlational and cross-sectional approach. applied to a sample of 25 employees. The findings revealed that 52% of the participants observe both QMS implementation and information processing at a medium level. The statistical analysis demonstrated a moderate positive correlation (0.666) between the main variables, showing that strengthening the QMS contributes to more efficient information management. Additionally, specific correlations were identified between the QMS and three key dimensions: precision of results (0.529), operational efficiency (0.428) and information security (0.431). The study concludes that a more robust implementation of the QMS substantially improves the accuracy, efficiency and security of data management. However, areas that require attention were identified, mainly in systems integration and strengthening staff competencies to raise service quality standards.
The present study sought to establish the correlation between the Quality Management System (QMS) and information processing in the Laboratory of Hospital I La Esperanza during the year 2024. The study used a non-experimental methodology, with a correlational and cross-sectional approach. applied to a sample of 25 employees. The findings revealed that 52% of the participants observe both QMS implementation and information processing at a medium level. The statistical analysis demonstrated a moderate positive correlation (0.666) between the main variables, showing that strengthening the QMS contributes to more efficient information management. Additionally, specific correlations were identified between the QMS and three key dimensions: precision of results (0.529), operational efficiency (0.428) and information security (0.431). The study concludes that a more robust implementation of the QMS substantially improves the accuracy, efficiency and security of data management. However, areas that require attention were identified, mainly in systems integration and strengthening staff competencies to raise service quality standards.
HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History