Aprendo en casa: Calculando distancias inaccesibles con la ayuda de la Trigonometría
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional lleva como título “Aprendo en casa: calculando distancias inaccesibles con la ayuda de la trigonometría”, con la finalidad de desarrollar la competencia de resolver problemas de forma, movimiento y localización. La trigonometría forma parte de ella, la cual permite brindar solución a situaciones del entorno del estudiante como calcular distancias tomando en cuenta los ángulos de elevación y depresión. A través de la historia, la trigonometría se ha desarrollado desde una mirada práctica utilitaria de solución de problemas del momento, hasta llegar en la actualidad con el uso de instrumentos sofisticados como el teodolito para medir ángulos y distancias inaccesibles, teniendo como base los conceptos trigonométricos. En la actualidad, los maestros tienen una concepción constructivista de la matemática, por ello direcciona a que el estudiante solucione problemas del contexto de manera competente, es decir que articule el conocimiento, habilidades y actitudes de manera responsable y con sentido ético. Por ello, las sesiones se presentan en el marco de una educación a distancia desde un rol mediador del docente donde brinda la información de manera pertinente y ordenada en la que el estudiante pueda interactuar con el material, culminando las sesiones con un reto planteado, lo cual constituye evidencia de aprendizaje. El trabajo se enfoca en una evaluación formativa, cuyo propósito es que el estudiante sea más autónomo en su aprendizaje al tomar conciencia de sus dificultades, necesidades y fortalezas; el propósito en el docente es atender la diversidad de necesidades de aprendizaje de los estudiantes, brindando oportunidades en función de los niveles que alcanza cada uno con el fin de acortar brechas, evitar el rezago y la exclusión.
The present professional sufficiency work is entitled "Aprendo en casa: calculating inaccessible distances with the help of trigonometry", in order to develop the competence of solving problems of form, movement and location. Trigonometry is part of it which allows to provide a solution to situations in the student's environment such as calculating distances taking into account the angles of elevation and depression. Throughout history, trigonometry has developed from a practical, utilitarian problem-solving perspective of the moment to the present day with the use of sophisticated instruments such as the theodolite to measure inaccessible angles and distances based on trigonometric concepts. At present, teachers have a constructivist conception of mathematic; for this reason, it directs the student to solve problems of the context in a competent way, that is, to articulate knowledge, skills and attitudes in a responsible and ethical way. Therefore, the sessions are presented within the framework of a distance education from a mediating role of the teacher where the information is provided in a pertinent and orderly way in which the student can interact with the material, culminating the sessions with a challenge posed which constitutes evidence of learning. This work focuses on a formative evaluation whose purpose is that the student to be more autonomous in their learning by becoming aware of their difficulties, needs and strengths; the purpose of the teacher is to attend to the diversity of learning needs of students by providing opportunities based on the levels reached by each one in order to shorten gaps, avoid lag and exclusion.
The present professional sufficiency work is entitled "Aprendo en casa: calculating inaccessible distances with the help of trigonometry", in order to develop the competence of solving problems of form, movement and location. Trigonometry is part of it which allows to provide a solution to situations in the student's environment such as calculating distances taking into account the angles of elevation and depression. Throughout history, trigonometry has developed from a practical, utilitarian problem-solving perspective of the moment to the present day with the use of sophisticated instruments such as the theodolite to measure inaccessible angles and distances based on trigonometric concepts. At present, teachers have a constructivist conception of mathematic; for this reason, it directs the student to solve problems of the context in a competent way, that is, to articulate knowledge, skills and attitudes in a responsible and ethical way. Therefore, the sessions are presented within the framework of a distance education from a mediating role of the teacher where the information is provided in a pertinent and orderly way in which the student can interact with the material, culminating the sessions with a challenge posed which constitutes evidence of learning. This work focuses on a formative evaluation whose purpose is that the student to be more autonomous in their learning by becoming aware of their difficulties, needs and strengths; the purpose of the teacher is to attend to the diversity of learning needs of students by providing opportunities based on the levels reached by each one in order to shorten gaps, avoid lag and exclusion.
Educación, Educación secundaria, Matemáticas, Trigonometría