Percepción de primíparas adolescentes sobre el cuidado de enfermería durante el puerperio
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación de enfoque cualitativa con método fenomenológico, tuvo como
objetivos describir y comprender la percepción de primíparas adolescentes sobre el cuidado de
enfermería durante el puerperio. El escenario de investigación fue el Hospital Belén de Trujillo,
departamento de Gineco Obstetricia, servicio de Puerperio. Los sujetos de investigación
estuvieron conformados por 20 primíparas adolescentes atendidas en dicho servicio. La técnica
que se utilizó fue la entrevista semiestructurada y el instrumento de recolección de datos, la guía
de entrevista. La información que se obtuvo se codificó y se analizó siguiendo el método
fenomenológico de Amadeo Giorgi que considera cuatro pasos: 1. Establecer el significado del
todo, 2. Determinación de las partes: división de las unidades de significado, 3. Transformación
de Unidades de Significado en Expresiones de Carácter Psicológico, 4. Determinación de la
estructura general de los significados psicológicos. Resultados, se identificó 4 categorías: Desconfianza
en el cuidado, Actitud para el cuidado, Educación para el cuidado y Des-cuidado en
las necesidades esenciales. Se tuvo en cuenta los aspectos éticos establecidos por Belmont y
Helsinki, y los rigores científicos planteados por Guba y Lincoln.
The objectives of this qualitative research with a phenomenological method were to describe and understand the perception of primiparous adolescents regarding nursing care during the puerperium. The research setting was the Belén Hospital of Trujillo, Obstetrics and Gynecology department, Puerperium service. The research subjects were made up of 20 primiparous adolescents treated in said service. The technique used was the semi-structured interview and the data collection instrument, the interview guide. The information obtained was coded and analyzed following Amadeo Giorgi's phenomenological method that considers four steps: 1. Establishing the meaning of the whole, 2. Determination of the parts: division of the units of meaning, 3. Transformation of Units of meaning. Meaning in Psychological Expressions, 4. Determination of the general structure of psychological meanings. Results, 4 categories were identified: Distrust in care, Attitude for care, Education for care and Neglect in essential needs. The ethical aspects established by Belmont and Helsinki were taken into account, and the scientific rigor proposed by Guba and Lincoln
The objectives of this qualitative research with a phenomenological method were to describe and understand the perception of primiparous adolescents regarding nursing care during the puerperium. The research setting was the Belén Hospital of Trujillo, Obstetrics and Gynecology department, Puerperium service. The research subjects were made up of 20 primiparous adolescents treated in said service. The technique used was the semi-structured interview and the data collection instrument, the interview guide. The information obtained was coded and analyzed following Amadeo Giorgi's phenomenological method that considers four steps: 1. Establishing the meaning of the whole, 2. Determination of the parts: division of the units of meaning, 3. Transformation of Units of meaning. Meaning in Psychological Expressions, 4. Determination of the general structure of psychological meanings. Results, 4 categories were identified: Distrust in care, Attitude for care, Education for care and Neglect in essential needs. The ethical aspects established by Belmont and Helsinki were taken into account, and the scientific rigor proposed by Guba and Lincoln
Periodo Posparto
Embarazo en la Adolescencia
Maternoinfantil, Cuidado