Analizamos mecanismos de participación ciudadana
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo suficiencia profesional titulada: “Analizamos mecanismos de participación ciudadana”, fue elaborada con los estudiantes de cuarto año de secundaria que participan en el diseño de sesión en el proceso de aprendizaje del área de Desarrollo Personal, Ciudadanía y Cívica, se basa en estudios de investigación teóricos y psicopedagógico. El objetivo de esta lección es enseñar a los alumnos a organizar la información para que puedan: sobre su participación como ciudadano.
The present professional sufficiency work entitled: "We analyze mechanisms of citizen participation", was elaborated with the students of the fourth year of secondary school who participate in the design of the session in the learning process of the area of Personal Development, Citizenship and Civics, it is based on theoretical and psychopedagogical research studies. The goal of this lesson is to teach students how to organize information so that they can: about their participation as a citizen.
The present professional sufficiency work entitled: "We analyze mechanisms of citizen participation", was elaborated with the students of the fourth year of secondary school who participate in the design of the session in the learning process of the area of Personal Development, Citizenship and Civics, it is based on theoretical and psychopedagogical research studies. The goal of this lesson is to teach students how to organize information so that they can: about their participation as a citizen.
Educación, Educación secundaria, Participación estudiantil, Comunicación, Gestión educacional