Propuesta de un plan efectivo de acciones y equipamiento para disminuir el grado de peligrosidad en los inspectores del programa de vigilancia y control de las actividades pesqueras y acuícolas de la empresa cerper S.A .
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente estudio trata acerca de los inspectores del ' Programa de vigilancia y control de las actividades pesqueras y acuícolas en el ámbito marítimo' que están expuestos a una serie de peligros y riesgos durante el desarrollo de sus actividades de inspección. Recientemente la empresa CERPER S.A. que brinda el servicio al programa en mención, implementó su sistema de seguridad y salud ocupacional como parte de su sistema integrado de gestión (exigencia de la ley 29783).
A pesar de los cambios, sucede que los inspectores no se sienten protegidos realmente o no sienten cambios significativos que conlleven a su tranquilidad, por lo que la propuesta de acciones y equipamiento del que trata el presente estudio, surgió como una necesidad al problema en mención. Para ello se aplicó técnicas de inspección y recolección de datos (encuestas) hecha a los inspectores, cuyo diagnóstico y percepción respectivamente, sostienen y validan el plan de mejora propuesto.
El cumplimiento del objetivo general del presente trabajo, requirió de la identificación de los riesgos y peligros a los cuales están expuestos los inspectores del Programa durante el desarrollo de sus labores, y a través de los cuales se detectaron los factores de riesgo en los escenarios: Chata y/o Muelle y Tolva-Muestreo, que es donde cumplen sus funciones de inspección.
Finalmente, se brinda recomendaciones a los organismos competentes y responsables (sector pesca), a la empresa CERPER y a los inspectores.
This study discusses inspectors 'Program monitoring and control of fishing and aquaculture activities in the maritime area' which are exposed to a number of hazards and risks in the course of its inspection activities. Recently the company CERPER S.A. providing the service to the program in question, it implemented its system of occupational safety and health as part of its integrated management system (required by law 29783) system. Despite changes, it happens that the inspectors do not feel really protected or do not feel significant changes that lead to peace of mind, so that the proposed actions and equipment covered by this study, emerged as a necessity to the problem in question. For this inspection techniques and data collection (surveys) made inspectors, whose diagnosis and perception respectively, maintain and validate the proposed improvement plan was implemented. Compliance with the overall objective of this work required the identification of risks and hazards to which inspectors are exposed Program for the development of their work, and through which risk factors were detected in the scenarios: Chata and / or Spring and Hopper-Sampling, where they perform their duties of inspection. Finally, recommendations are offered to the competent and responsible bodies (fisheries sector), the company CERPER and inspectors.
This study discusses inspectors 'Program monitoring and control of fishing and aquaculture activities in the maritime area' which are exposed to a number of hazards and risks in the course of its inspection activities. Recently the company CERPER S.A. providing the service to the program in question, it implemented its system of occupational safety and health as part of its integrated management system (required by law 29783) system. Despite changes, it happens that the inspectors do not feel really protected or do not feel significant changes that lead to peace of mind, so that the proposed actions and equipment covered by this study, emerged as a necessity to the problem in question. For this inspection techniques and data collection (surveys) made inspectors, whose diagnosis and perception respectively, maintain and validate the proposed improvement plan was implemented. Compliance with the overall objective of this work required the identification of risks and hazards to which inspectors are exposed Program for the development of their work, and through which risk factors were detected in the scenarios: Chata and / or Spring and Hopper-Sampling, where they perform their duties of inspection. Finally, recommendations are offered to the competent and responsible bodies (fisheries sector), the company CERPER and inspectors.
HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History