Evaluación técnica-económica del proceso de producción de polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA) a partir de microorganismos halófilos usando residuos agroindustriales
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La gran demanda de petróleo ha generado su escasez y aumento de su precio, el cual aunada al incremento de las regulaciones medioambientales, actúan de forma sinérgica para promover el desarrollo de nuevos materiales amigables con el medioambiente que excluyan a los combustibles fósiles en su producción, como lo son bioplásticos. Por ello los polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA), son un tipo de bioplásticos, poliésteres biodegradables sintetizados intracelularmente por los microorganismos que presentan propiedades físicas similares a los plásticos derivados del petróleo. La estabilidad e inocuidad del organismo, contenido y peso molecular del polímero, velocidad de acumulación del polímero, velocidad de crecimiento, rango de fuentes de carbono utilizable, facilidad de extracción, costo del medio de cultivo y generación de subproductos, son factores de los cuales depende la rentabilidad de un microorganismo para producir PHA a escala industrial. Por tal, el presente trabajo propone el uso de microorganismos para producir PHA, usando residuos agroindustriales como fuente de carbono en el sustrato, escogiendo a los microorganismos halófilos más óptimos que puedan producir y competir en calidad y precio, a los bioplásticos en el mercado y plásticos derivados por el petróleo. Las fuentes de carbono que se usan son la glucosa, melaza e hidrolizado de alcachofa, de los cuales se comprueba que, con el hidrolizado de alcachofa en las concentraciones usadas, no se evidencia producción alguna de PHA, por lo que solo se realizó la evaluación técnica y económica de la melaza frente a la glucosa. Esta evaluación se desarrolla para conocer si la producción de pellets de PHA fabricados con cada una de las fuentes de carbono es viable o no en el mercado peruano, considerando a los departamentos con mayor demanda e inversión en la compra de este producto.
The great demand for oil has generated its scarcity and an increase in its price, which together with the increase in environmental regulations, act synergistically to promote the development of new environmentally friendly materials that exclude fossil fuels in their production, as are bioplastics. For this reason, polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) are a type of bioplastics, biodegradable polyesters synthesized intracellularly by microorganisms that have physical properties similar to plastics derived from petroleum. The stability and harmlessness of the organism, content and molecular weight of the polymer, polymer accumulation rate, growth rate, range of usable carbon sources, ease of extraction, cost of the culture medium and generation of by-products, are factors of which the profitability of a microorganism is dependent to produce PHA on an industrial scale. Therefore, the present work proposes the use of microorganisms to produce PHA, using agro-industrial waste as a carbon source, choosing the most optimal halophilic microorganisms that can produce and compete in quality and price, the bioplastics in the market and plastics derived by the oil. The carbon sources used are glucose, molasses and artichoke hydrolyzate, of which it is found that, with artichoke hydrolyzate in the concentrations used, no PHA production is evidenced, so only the evaluation was carried out technique and molasses versus glucose. This evaluation is carried out to know if the production of PHA pellets manufactured with each of the carbon sources is viable or not in the Peruvian market, considering the departments with the highest demand and investment in the purchase of this product.
The great demand for oil has generated its scarcity and an increase in its price, which together with the increase in environmental regulations, act synergistically to promote the development of new environmentally friendly materials that exclude fossil fuels in their production, as are bioplastics. For this reason, polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) are a type of bioplastics, biodegradable polyesters synthesized intracellularly by microorganisms that have physical properties similar to plastics derived from petroleum. The stability and harmlessness of the organism, content and molecular weight of the polymer, polymer accumulation rate, growth rate, range of usable carbon sources, ease of extraction, cost of the culture medium and generation of by-products, are factors of which the profitability of a microorganism is dependent to produce PHA on an industrial scale. Therefore, the present work proposes the use of microorganisms to produce PHA, using agro-industrial waste as a carbon source, choosing the most optimal halophilic microorganisms that can produce and compete in quality and price, the bioplastics in the market and plastics derived by the oil. The carbon sources used are glucose, molasses and artichoke hydrolyzate, of which it is found that, with artichoke hydrolyzate in the concentrations used, no PHA production is evidenced, so only the evaluation was carried out technique and molasses versus glucose. This evaluation is carried out to know if the production of PHA pellets manufactured with each of the carbon sources is viable or not in the Peruvian market, considering the departments with the highest demand and investment in the purchase of this product.
PHA, Glucosa, Melaza, Hidrolizado de alcachofa, Bioplásticos