Campaña comunicativa "Alimentación Saludable" para la prevención de la anemia en niños de Alto Trujillo 2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación tuvo como finalidad aumentar el nivel de conocimiento de las madres de familia del centro poblado Alto Trujillo, a través de una propuesta de campaña comunicativa, denominada 'Alimentación Saludable', la cual contribuirá a reforzar la buena práctica alimentaria y el consumo de alimentos ricos en hierro. El objetivo general fue fortalecer los conocimientos sobre alimentación saludable en las madres de familia del centro poblado Alto Trujillo, para prevenir la anemia en sus niños. El tipo de investigación por su enfoque es cuantitativo y, por sus fines, es descriptiva. El diseño de la investigación es no experimental, transversal y propositiva. Se recolectó información mediante la técnica del cuestionario y la entrevista a modo de diagnóstico para identificar el nivel de conocimiento, actitudes y hábitos. Para el procesamiento de datos, se seleccionó, clasificó y organizó las tablas debidamente tabuladas. La conclusión fundamental es que las madres de familia, en su mayoría, desconocen temas generales de la anemia y, además, son de bajos recursos económicos, lo cual les imposibilita poder acceder a una variedad de alimentos ricos en hierro y, para revertir ello e incrementar el nivel de conocimiento, se plantea una serie de actividades de acorde a los resultados que se obtuvo en el cuestionario.
The purpose of this research study was to increase the knowledge level of mothers of the Centro poblado Alto Trujillo, through a communication campaign proposal, called 'Healthy Eating', which would contribute to reinforcing good eating practices and the consumption of iron-rich foods. The general objective was to strengthen the knowledge about healthy eating in mothers of the Centro poblado Alto Trujillo, to prevent anaemia in their children. The type of research according to its approach is quantitative and in accordance to its purposes, it is descriptive. The research design is non-experimental, cross-sectional and purposeful. Information was collected through the questionnaire technique and the interview as a diagnosis to identify the level of knowledge, attitudes and habits. For data processing, the information was selected, classified, organized and appropriately tabulated. The main conclusion is that the majority of mothers do not know general anaemia issues and, furthermore, they are of low economic resources, which makes it impossible for them to have access to a variety of iron-rich foods and, to reverse this and increase the level of knowledge, a series of activities was proposed based on the results obtained in the questionnaire
The purpose of this research study was to increase the knowledge level of mothers of the Centro poblado Alto Trujillo, through a communication campaign proposal, called 'Healthy Eating', which would contribute to reinforcing good eating practices and the consumption of iron-rich foods. The general objective was to strengthen the knowledge about healthy eating in mothers of the Centro poblado Alto Trujillo, to prevent anaemia in their children. The type of research according to its approach is quantitative and in accordance to its purposes, it is descriptive. The research design is non-experimental, cross-sectional and purposeful. Information was collected through the questionnaire technique and the interview as a diagnosis to identify the level of knowledge, attitudes and habits. For data processing, the information was selected, classified, organized and appropriately tabulated. The main conclusion is that the majority of mothers do not know general anaemia issues and, furthermore, they are of low economic resources, which makes it impossible for them to have access to a variety of iron-rich foods and, to reverse this and increase the level of knowledge, a series of activities was proposed based on the results obtained in the questionnaire
Alimentación saludable, Anemia, Campaña comunicativa