Principales causas que generan la violencia familiar en la ciudad de Trujillo 2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente Trabajo de Investigación tuvo como finalidad establecer las principales causas que generan la violencia familiar en la ciudad de Trujillo 2023. Se aplicó un estudio descriptivo - explicativo. Se solicitó autorización al presidente de la Corte Superior de justicia de la libertad para recabar información de las denuncias sobre violencia familiar realizadas el año 2023, y se nos brindó las estadísticas por grupo etario, género, tipo de violencia y medidas de protección. También se ha realizado el estudio de 02 casos respetando el derecho de aplicación de la ley 30364 y su modificatoria N°31715. Se utilizó la técnica de análisis documental y la ficha de registro como instrumento. Según los resultados sobre casos de violencia, el grupo de adultos predominó con 49 %; y el género femenino con 79%. Por tipos de violencia, la violencia física y psicológica alcanzó el 44%; y las medidas de protección concedidas representan el 78.49%. Concluyéndose que, el estudio de las principales causas de violencia familiar garantizará una mejor comprensión de las raíces de la violencia y mejor visión para adoptar medidas de prevención y protección más eficaces.
ABSTRACT The present research work aimed to establish the main causes that generate family violence in the city of Trujillo 2023. A descriptive - explanatory study was applied. The president of the Superior Court of Justice for Freedom was asked to collect information on complaints about family violence made in 2023, and statistics were provided by age group, gender, type of violence and protection measures. The study of 02 cases has also been carried out in respect of the right to privacy and confidentiality of victims, from a qualitative approach with the aim of clarifying the problem of family violence in its main causes and the effectiveness of the application of Law 30364 and its amendment N°31715. The documentary analysis technique and the registration form were used as an instrument. According to the results on violence cases, the adult group was predominant with 49%; and the female gender with 79%. By type of violence, physical and psychological violence eached 44 per cent; and protective measures granted represent 78.49 per cent. In conclusion, the study of the main causes of family violence will ensure a better understanding of the roots of violence and better vision for more effective prevention and protection measures.
ABSTRACT The present research work aimed to establish the main causes that generate family violence in the city of Trujillo 2023. A descriptive - explanatory study was applied. The president of the Superior Court of Justice for Freedom was asked to collect information on complaints about family violence made in 2023, and statistics were provided by age group, gender, type of violence and protection measures. The study of 02 cases has also been carried out in respect of the right to privacy and confidentiality of victims, from a qualitative approach with the aim of clarifying the problem of family violence in its main causes and the effectiveness of the application of Law 30364 and its amendment N°31715. The documentary analysis technique and the registration form were used as an instrument. According to the results on violence cases, the adult group was predominant with 49%; and the female gender with 79%. By type of violence, physical and psychological violence eached 44 per cent; and protective measures granted represent 78.49 per cent. In conclusion, the study of the main causes of family violence will ensure a better understanding of the roots of violence and better vision for more effective prevention and protection measures.
Familia, , Prevención de la Violencia.