Conocimientos y habilidades del enfermero para el manejo del dolor neonatal por punción de talón en los hospitales de Huaraz
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El neonato en el servicio hospitalario se ve expuesto a diversos procedimientos, uno de
ellos es la punción del talón, evento traumático, doloroso pero necesario; siendo
importante que el profesional de enfermería pueda cuantificarlo y contar con los
conocimientos y habilidades para su correcto manejo. Por ello, el presente estudio tiene
como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre el nivel de conocimientos y
habilidades del enfermero para el manejo del dolor neonatal por punción de talón en los
hospitales de Huaraz. Es una investigación de tipo aplicada, diseño descriptivo, no
experimental, correlacional y corte transversal. La población estuvo conformada por 53
enfermeros de neonatología, UCI, UCIN y alojamiento conjunto de dos hospitales de
Huaraz. El recojo de información fue mediante la técnica de la encuesta y se aplicaron el
“Cuestionario de conocimientos sobre el manejo del dolor neonatal por punción de talón”
y la “Escala valorativa de habilidades del enfermero para el manejo del dolor neonatal
por punción de talón”. Los resultados evidenciaron una relación significativa entre el
nivel de conocimientos y las habilidades de los enfermeros para el manejo del dolor
neonatal por punción de talón. El coeficiente de correlación de Spearman fue de 0,730,
con un p-valor de 0,000. Esto permite concluir que existe una relación positiva alta entre
ambas variables
The neonate in the hospital service is exposed to various procedures, one of them is the heel prick, a traumatic, painful but necessary event, being important that the nursing professional can quantify it and have the knowledge and skills for its correct management. Therefore, the present study aims to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and skills of nurses for the management of neonatal pain due to heel prick in the hospitals of Huaraz. It is an applied research, descriptive, non-experimental, correlational and cross-sectional design. The population consisted of 53 nurses from neonatology, ICU, NICU, and joint lodging of two hospitals in Huaraz. Information was collected by means of the survey technique and the “Questionnaire of knowledge on the management of neonatal pain by heel prick” and the “Scale of nursing skills for the management of neonatal pain by heel prick” were applied. The results showed a significant relationship between the level of knowledge and the nurses' skills in the management of neonatal heel lance pain. The Spearman correlation coefficient was 0.730, with a p-value of 0.000. This allows us to conclude that there is a high positive relationship between the two variables.
The neonate in the hospital service is exposed to various procedures, one of them is the heel prick, a traumatic, painful but necessary event, being important that the nursing professional can quantify it and have the knowledge and skills for its correct management. Therefore, the present study aims to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and skills of nurses for the management of neonatal pain due to heel prick in the hospitals of Huaraz. It is an applied research, descriptive, non-experimental, correlational and cross-sectional design. The population consisted of 53 nurses from neonatology, ICU, NICU, and joint lodging of two hospitals in Huaraz. Information was collected by means of the survey technique and the “Questionnaire of knowledge on the management of neonatal pain by heel prick” and the “Scale of nursing skills for the management of neonatal pain by heel prick” were applied. The results showed a significant relationship between the level of knowledge and the nurses' skills in the management of neonatal heel lance pain. The Spearman correlation coefficient was 0.730, with a p-value of 0.000. This allows us to conclude that there is a high positive relationship between the two variables.
Neonato, Tamizaje neonatal
Manejo del dolor
Enfermería neonatal