Vida útil de harina de tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis) obtenida por secado convectivo y envasada en polietileno de baja densidad
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Determinar la vida útil de la harina de tarwi es esencial para garantizar la calidad, la seguridad alimentaria, la reducción del desperdicio, el desarrollo de empaques adecuados y el cumplimiento normativo, lo que beneficia tanto a los consumidores como a la industria alimentaria en general. Así mismo, este estudio se realizó con el objetivo analizar el tiempo de durabilidad de la harina de tarwi obtenida por secado convectivo y envasado asimismo determinar las características del polietileno como envase en relación a su permeabilidad al agua. Para ello se obtuvieron isotermas de sorción de humedad, las que se construyeron empleando soluciones salinas a temperaturas de 20, 25 y 30 °C. La vida útil de la harina se determinó con el modelo de Heiss y Eichner. Los análisis mostraron que el modelo GAB fue el mejor ajuste a los datos experimentales en comparación a la de BET con el que se obtuvo resultados de monocapa de 0.0566 – 0.0649 kg de agua/kg m.s. a 30 y 20 °C, respectivamente. El calor isostérico estuvo entre 2.53 – 11.26 kJ/mol, ΔG entre -5.27 – -6.93 kJ/mol, ΔS entre 2.54 – 11.29 kJ/mol.K. Se diferencio una clara dependencia de la entalpia y entropía con la humedad de equilibrio, la entalpía se incrementa, mientras que la entropía disminuye. La sorción de humedad estuvo controlada por el fenómeno de entropía; además, valores negativos de ΔG sugieren un proceso espontáneo de adsorción de agua. La vida útil se determinó en 349 días a 20 °C y 80% de humedad relativa en envase de polietileno de baja densidad.
ABSTRACT Determining the shelf life of flours such as tarwi is essential to ensure quality, food safety, waste reduction, development of appropriate packaging and regulatory compliance, benefiting both consumers and the food industry in general. In this sense, this research aimed to determine the useful life of andean lupin flour obtained by convective drying and packaging, as well as determine the characteristics of polyethylene as packaging in relation to its water permeability. For this, moisture sorption isotherms were obtained, which were constructed using saturated salt solutions at temperatures of 20, 25 and 30 °C. The shelf life of the flour was determined with the Heiss and Eichner model. The results showed that the GAB model had the best fit to the experimental data compared to the BET model, with which monolayer values between 0.0566 – 0.0649 kg of water/kg d.m. were obtained. at 30 and 20 °C, respectively. The isosteric heat was between 2.53 – 11.26 kJ/mol, ΔG between -5.27 – -6.93 kJ/mol, ΔS between 2.54 – 11.29 kJ/mol.K. A clear dependence of the enthalpy and entropy on the equilibrium humidity was also observed, the enthalpy increases, while the entropy decreases. Moisture sorption was controlled by the entropy phenomenon; Furthermore, negative values of ΔG suggest a spontaneous water adsorption process. The shelf life was determined to be 349 days at 20 °C and 80% relative humidity in low-density polyethylene packaging.
ABSTRACT Determining the shelf life of flours such as tarwi is essential to ensure quality, food safety, waste reduction, development of appropriate packaging and regulatory compliance, benefiting both consumers and the food industry in general. In this sense, this research aimed to determine the useful life of andean lupin flour obtained by convective drying and packaging, as well as determine the characteristics of polyethylene as packaging in relation to its water permeability. For this, moisture sorption isotherms were obtained, which were constructed using saturated salt solutions at temperatures of 20, 25 and 30 °C. The shelf life of the flour was determined with the Heiss and Eichner model. The results showed that the GAB model had the best fit to the experimental data compared to the BET model, with which monolayer values between 0.0566 – 0.0649 kg of water/kg d.m. were obtained. at 30 and 20 °C, respectively. The isosteric heat was between 2.53 – 11.26 kJ/mol, ΔG between -5.27 – -6.93 kJ/mol, ΔS between 2.54 – 11.29 kJ/mol.K. A clear dependence of the enthalpy and entropy on the equilibrium humidity was also observed, the enthalpy increases, while the entropy decreases. Moisture sorption was controlled by the entropy phenomenon; Furthermore, negative values of ΔG suggest a spontaneous water adsorption process. The shelf life was determined to be 349 days at 20 °C and 80% relative humidity in low-density polyethylene packaging.
Monocapa, Tarwi, Isotermas, Adsorción, Polietileno, Vida útil