Características de la expresión musical contemporánea folk fusión para la implementación de un producto turístico creativo – provincia de Trujillo
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación titulada: Características de la expresión musical contemporánea folk fusión para la implementación de un producto turístico creativo – provincia de Trujillo, fue desarrollada en base a tres características: formales y técnicas, semióticas y conductuales. De tal manera, se sostiene que la música folk fusión trujillana, se caracteriza, formal y técnicamente por la fusión de 21 géneros identificados, clasificados en 7 autóctonos y 13 foráneos; como también por los 11 instrumentos musicales, tipificados en 4 autóctonos y 11 foráneos. Semióticamente se caracteriza por el contenido lírico que aborda temáticas emocionales, así como socioculturales del pasado y presente. Para finalizar, conductualmente se caracteriza por el dinamismo durante la puesta en escena de los artistas, tanto en sus expresiones externas, como internas. Dichas características pueden ser aprovechadas para implementar un producto turístico creativo en la provincia de Trujillo, traducido en la habilitación de espacios públicos con presentaciones de folk fusión, en donde la demanda turística, se sienta parte de la sociedad visitada, la conozca y desarrolle recuerdos memorables. Resultados adquiridos en función de la metodología aplicada de los métodos genético, analítico sintético, etnográfico, inductivo-deductivo y estadístico. Para la aplicación de estos, fue necesario el uso de técnicas e instrumentos a fin de describir, tipificar y analizar todos los datos recopilados, desarrollados a lo largo de todo el informe de tesis. Estos fueron la observación, el fichaje, el muestreo y las encuestas y entrevistas virtuales; aplicadas en ese formato debido a la problemática sanitaria causada por el Covid-19.
ABSTRACT The present research entitled: Characteristics of contemporary folk fusion musical expression for the implementation of a creative tourist product - Trujillo province, was developed based on three characteristics: formal and technical, semiotic and behavioral. In this way, it is argued that folk music fusion trujillana, is characterized, formally and technically by the fusion of 21 identified genres, classified in 7 autochthonous and 13 foreign; as well as by the 11 musical instruments, typified in 4 autochthonous and 11 foreign. Semiotically it is characterized by lyrical content that addresses emotional as well as sociocultural themes of the past and present. To conclude, behaviorally it is characterized by the dynamism during the staging of artists, both in their external expressions, as well as internal. These characteristics can be used to implement a creative tourist product in the province of Trujillo, translated into the habilitation of public spaces with folk fusion presentations, where the tourist demand, feels part of the visited society, meet her and develop memorable memories. Results acquired according to the applied methodology of the genetic, analytical-synthetic, ethnographic, inductive-deductive and statistical methods. For the application of the methods described, it was necessary to use techniques and instruments to describe, typify and analyze all the data collected developed throughout the thesis report. These were the observation, the signing, sampling and virtual surveys and interviews; applied in this format due to the health problems caused by the Covid-19.
ABSTRACT The present research entitled: Characteristics of contemporary folk fusion musical expression for the implementation of a creative tourist product - Trujillo province, was developed based on three characteristics: formal and technical, semiotic and behavioral. In this way, it is argued that folk music fusion trujillana, is characterized, formally and technically by the fusion of 21 identified genres, classified in 7 autochthonous and 13 foreign; as well as by the 11 musical instruments, typified in 4 autochthonous and 11 foreign. Semiotically it is characterized by lyrical content that addresses emotional as well as sociocultural themes of the past and present. To conclude, behaviorally it is characterized by the dynamism during the staging of artists, both in their external expressions, as well as internal. These characteristics can be used to implement a creative tourist product in the province of Trujillo, translated into the habilitation of public spaces with folk fusion presentations, where the tourist demand, feels part of the visited society, meet her and develop memorable memories. Results acquired according to the applied methodology of the genetic, analytical-synthetic, ethnographic, inductive-deductive and statistical methods. For the application of the methods described, it was necessary to use techniques and instruments to describe, typify and analyze all the data collected developed throughout the thesis report. These were the observation, the signing, sampling and virtual surveys and interviews; applied in this format due to the health problems caused by the Covid-19.
Turismo cultural, Espacios turísticos musicales, Música contemporánea