Importancia de los espacios educativos para mejorar el aprendizaje infantil en niños de 2 años, año 2019
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente informe de investigación titulado Importancia de los espacios educativos para mejorar el aprendizaje infantil en niños de 2 años, 2019, tuvo como objetivo dar a conocer la importancia de los espacios educativos para mejorar el aprendizaje infantil. La investigación fue de tipo bibliográfica con diseño descriptivo simple, considerando los métodos histórico, analítico y sintético en el tratamiento de la información. Asimismo, las técnicas de análisis de documentos, registro documentario el uso del fichaje. El presente trabajo está fundamentado de manera teórica a través de la información obtenida de autores especializados en el tema de investigación y de organización de espacios; lo cual fue importante para su elaboración. Los espacios educativos son un conjunto de aspectos que conforman el ambiente de aprendizaje de los niños, estos ofrecen oportunidades de desarrollo integral que permitirán a cada niño explotar su creatividad y curiosidad aperturando nuevos aprendizajes. También se puede definir al espacio educativo como el conjunto de aspectos físicos organizados, funcionales y estéticos propios del ambiente de aprendizaje. Se presentan un listado de treinta espacios entre internos y externos, en la cual se indica qué desempeños se pueden trabajar al realizar estas visitas, en ese sentido; esta investigación es un gran aporte a los docentes y padres que tienen la responsabilidad de promover el aprendizaje infantil temprano.
The following research report entitled importance of educational spaces to improve child learning in 2-year-olds, 2019, aimed to raise awareness of the importance of educational spaces to improve child learning. The research was of a bibliographic type with a simple descriptive design, considering the historical, analytical, and synthetic methods in the treatment of information. Likewise, the techniques of document analysis, documentary record the use of filing. This work is theoretically based on information obtained from authors specialized in the field of research and organization of spaces, which was important for its preparation. Educational spaces are a set of aspects that make up the learning environment of children, these offer opportunities for integral development that will allow each child to exploit their creativity and curiosity by opening new learning. The educational space can also be defined as the set of organized physical, functional, and aesthetic aspects of the learning environment. A list of thirty spaces between interns and outsiders is presented, which indicates what performances can be worked on when making these visits, in that context; this research is a great contribution to teachers and parents who have the responsibility of promoting early childhood learning.
The following research report entitled importance of educational spaces to improve child learning in 2-year-olds, 2019, aimed to raise awareness of the importance of educational spaces to improve child learning. The research was of a bibliographic type with a simple descriptive design, considering the historical, analytical, and synthetic methods in the treatment of information. Likewise, the techniques of document analysis, documentary record the use of filing. This work is theoretically based on information obtained from authors specialized in the field of research and organization of spaces, which was important for its preparation. Educational spaces are a set of aspects that make up the learning environment of children, these offer opportunities for integral development that will allow each child to exploit their creativity and curiosity by opening new learning. The educational space can also be defined as the set of organized physical, functional, and aesthetic aspects of the learning environment. A list of thirty spaces between interns and outsiders is presented, which indicates what performances can be worked on when making these visits, in that context; this research is a great contribution to teachers and parents who have the responsibility of promoting early childhood learning.
Educación, Educación de la primera infancia, Aprendizaje activo, Método de aprendizaje